CHAPTER FOUR: Makoto's Transformation

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WARNING: This chapter contains the following: Body horror, vomiting, blood, and disturbing imagery. If you have emetophobia, please either proceed with caution or just skip the chapter. Discretion is advised.


Makoto's lab wasn't far. It was located near the cabins of Jabberwock Island, which is where the dorm room for Hajime's class, Class 77, were located. It was nighttime, and the air was cold. It was a good decision to put on that jacket Tsumugi gave him, as it provided Makoto a bit of warmth from the cold night air. Eventually, Makoto reached a little bungalow with a green door. This, was his lab. Makoto had asked for a place where he could try his experiments, so Jin Kirigiri, Kyoko's father and the headmaster, told Makoto there was a bungalow located on Jabberwock Island that he could use. Makoto didn't tell the others about the lab when he was explaining his theory, which he felt dumb for, but he was going to tell them soon anyways.

Makoto took a deep breath, and opened the door, turning on the lights, revealing the lights shining down on his lab. The laboratory was crowded with tables filled with vials and potions and all kinds of scientific equipment. The floor was wooden, which made cleaning up any messes or mishaps a lot more easier for him. Makoto began to walk up to the desk, whilst opening his bag to get something out of it: a small, green journal, with a four leaf clover embedded in the middle.

Just then, excitement for the upcoming experiment overtook Makoto's senses, as he started to laugh, allowing a few childish twirls to control him as he approached the desk, placing the journal down onto it. Flipping through the pages of the journal, Makoto took out a pen and began to write, reading aloud as he did.

"October 13th, -" he checked the digital clock on the desk, to check the time. "11:49pm. I started this journey alone, and I must finish it alone. My proposal to try and get a human subject for this experiment was rejected by The Future Foundation. They said that I was playing God. They called me a madman...a freak. I was so close to just giving up but...Kyoko helped me realise that turning back isn't the option, and that it's too late to turn back. And the encouragement I received from my sister and my friends was enough to lift me back up. This is the hope I want to achieve by performing this experiment."

"Therefore, I realize I have no other choice but to use myself as the the test subject of the experiment. I will take one week to record the potency and side-effects of the chemical. After this night falls, I will show the foundation that this can be done. "

Putting the pen down, Makoto took the vial from the bag, uncorked the lid, and poured the liquid into a beaker, getting ready to add the last few ingredients needed for the chemical to be ready. "There. Now, for the finishing touches. I hope it's enough." And so, Makoto got to work.

This was Makoto's seventh attempt, which he labelled as MN7 (Makoto Naegi's 7th attempt). The first and second attempts were tests to see if it was actually possible, attempt three blew up in his face due to his luck issues, attempt four was a complete failure, attempt five was going somewhere, but had to be scrapped, and attempt six made him realise that he was almost ready to test it out, but he just needed one more crucial ingredient, albeit it giving a mild reaction. "Heh, who knew all I needed was just a little more salt?" Makoto laughed at himself.

The ingredients for his experiment were all given to him by Seiko Kimura, the Ultimate Pharmacist. Seiko was one of the few members of the Future Foundation that Makoto actually got along with, and one of the only ones he didn't consider to be a hypocrite. Hell, he could have clearly seen her hesitation in turning down his proposal for his experiment. As much as he hated having to do this behind her back after she was one of the members that rejected him, he had to do it. Either way, he still detested the foundation, mainly Munakata and Sakukura, for thinking he was crazy. And Makoto wasn't going to let those hypocrites drag him down, and make him give up so easily.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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