CHAPTER THREE: This is The Moment

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Makoto and Kyoko made it back to the dining hall. They both smiled and departed from each other, Kyoko to her agency, Makoto to his sister and friends. He was still down in the dumps after his proposal was rejected, so he figured his friends would cheer him up.

"Oh shush, Kaede!" he could hear Hajime. "I'm gonna kill the next person I fucking see at this point..." Makoto smirked and walked up behind Hajime. He placed his hands on his shoulders, making Hajime yell, and whipped around to see him, his face immediately turning red. "Hi, Hajime! Great to see you!" the smaller brunette smiled.

Kaede was in the middle of laughing her ass off, most likely at the chaos that had just ensued. "G-great to see you too!" Hajime spluttered. Makoto laughed and hugged Hajime from behind, making the brunette blush even more.

"So, how'd the meeting go?" Komaru asked. Makoto's face froze up for a second, as his eyes fell, saddened. "! They didn't!" Komaru gasped. Makoto nodded his head. "They did...they said no..." he said, trying not to cry. "Oh no! Makoto! I'm so sorry!" Kaede said, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Don't be. It was my fault. I didn't think anything through, and I let myself get too emotional."

"Hey! Them saying no gives you absolutely no right in beating yourself up over it!" Hajime told him off. "He's right, Makoto." Shuichi agreed. "They didn't understand what you obviously did!"

"They set themselves up as people of medicine...people of knowledge, but they're not..." Makoto growled, and then "They're hypocrites...they're fucking hypocrites! Every single one of those fuckers!" he shouted with pure venom. Kaede tried to calm him down. "Well, yeah, I'll take your word that the Future Foundation are hypocrites, but they are very powerful hypocrites! You should exercise more caution."

"I can't afford caution!" Makoto cried. "I've worked way too hard on this experiment! I can't give up now, and I will not let those bastards hold me down!l"

"Actually, speaking of your experiment, Makoto," Shuichi suddenly spoke up. What exactly is it you're working on?" Makoto's expression immediately shifted from anger to intrigue. "You're all actually interested in it?" he asked. The other four nodded.

"Well, I can't give you the exact details, but it has something to do with the human mind, as well as the human soul." Makoto started explaining. "You see, I believe that we're all beings of good and evil, of hope and despair. We've all had some sort of thought one way or another that can be seen as immoral, right? So I've been wondering...maybe there's a way we can cut off the evil entirely!"

"That actually doesn't sound like a bad concept. A world completely ridden of despair doesn't sound bad at all!" Kaede said. "Exactly!" Makoto exclaimed. "But the foundation doesn't think the same way as me...they...they thought I was a madman."

"But you aren't!" Komaru cried out as she heard this. "You're a good man!" "I know I am..." Makoto sighed. "But I don't know what to do now. Kiri says I need to keep on going, and I intend to! But...I just don't know how I'm going to accomplish this."

"Don't worry, Makoto. I know you'll find a way." Hajime said, smiling at him assuringly with his hand on Makoto's shoulder. Makoto smiled back at Hajime. "Thanks, Hajime." he said. Just then, two students came up to the group. They were students from Shuichi, Kaede and Komaru's class: Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid, and Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Anthropologist.

"Shuichi, Miss Kirigiri wishes an audience with you, me and Kirumi." Korekiyo said to Shuichi. "Really? Why?" Shuichi perked up. "We're not sure, but I feel as if we should go and see." Kirumi replied.

"Just give me a moment, guys." Shuichi excused himself from the group for a moment and walked up to Kyoko. "W-what do you need from us, M-Miss Kirigiri?" Shuichi asked, a little nervous. "Shuichi, there isn't any need to call me that. You can just call me Kyoko, y'know? Especially given how we're on the same team."

Dr. Naegi and Mr. Komaeda (A Danganronpa Jekyll and Hyde AU)Where stories live. Discover now