Happy birthday...mom

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~One month later~

It's been a month since I came to work for Calvin at his ginormous mansion at the coast of Arlandia.It feels different.
How it's not the same like when I worked for Alex.
Even though I wear the same uniform,everything else is strange.

I feel empty.I get to see Mia everyday though,she looks so happy.She tells me how she loves it here,how she feels like a princess and this is her castle.Every time I help the other maids outside I see her play around with the other kids.

In a way,I'm happy to see her and know she's ok,but I feel empty,to me this,feels like hell.I haven't heard from Alex ever since I left.I should have known that Mia would be okay;It was just to hard for me to let her go?
I swept the patio as the little orphans play on the playground.The breeze hits me like a slap in the face,i flipped my hair back as it landed messily on my forehead.
I sighed as I walked back in,walking through thousands and thousands of halls getting lost at some point.I made my way towards the only huge black doors at the end of the hall,"Mr.Calvin?"I knocked on the door.
I heard footsteps come towards the door,as the huge doors opened wide enough for me to see the mess in his room.
His annoyance shined in his eyes as he stared at me,"What?Did you already finish cleaning the patio,the kitchen,the 1st,2nd,and 3rd hall?"He motioned me to come in.

As I walked in I cleared my throat,"Yes and no.I wanted to ask for permission to leave for a few hours to go visit my mothers grave?"Gosh,i feel like a teenager asking my father for permission to go see my boyfriend?On this thought,I'm asking my "boss" for permission to see my mothers grave for her birthday.

He chuckled,"Alice."he took of his glasses and glared at me,"I'm sorry,but you can't."
My heart stopped,"and why can't i?"
He walked towards me as I toke a few steps back,"He might be out there.And I can't let that get in my way.So if I were you..."he grabbed a piece of my hair as he ran that long piece through his fingers,"I would keep cleaning because that's what you can do...for now."he smirked at me.Stupid old man?Well he's 43.

"What do you mean,"for now?"He heavily sighed,"Get that brain working!You will figure it out,eventually I will need you for some personal things?"
The room grew with a heavy aroma,as he smirked at me and ran his eyes through me,all I can think about is,i have to get out of here!

I speed walked towards the door and ran out of the room,i ran and ran for I don't know how long?This stupid mansion,stupid rick people,stupid me,stupid Alex!
I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

I landed on my butt,as a grunt left my mouth,"ow?"I rubbed my head,i looked straight to see a man sitting on the floor in front of me,he had brown hair,green eyes, kinda noticeable cheek bones,a very well built body pressed against a suit he was wearing.

I stood up quickly,"Im s-sorry!"He looked at me confusingly before I ran away,as I opened the patio door the rain hit me like a spraying hose.

"Really!"I yelled,stupid clouds.I thought as I ran towards the maid house.Which is a dorm for all maids?I know,stupid idea right,please tell that to Calvin?
I opened the brown doors and entered the cabin,to come face to face with darkness.
The halls were pitch black,i couldn't see a thing?I reached into my pocket and held up a small flash light I always keep with me.
I walked through the halls to get into my dorm,14B,it was all the way down the second hall next to a window which kinda creeps me out?

As I walked up the stairs I tripped and belly flopped onto the ground.I winced to the pain traveling up my body,second time getting hurt today,huh?
I tried standing up,i put all the force on my scraped knees and stammered towards my dorm.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards my bed,the scrapes burned against my skin as I walked towards the restroom to wash my legs.
I heard knocking coming from outside,"who is it?"I stammered towards the door,"it's me,Liliana."I opened my door and dragged her inside,"What are you doing here?Your not allowed in the maid house!"She closed laid her umbrella on the floor and sat on my bed.Her long blondish brown hair shimmered around her as her elegant little 12 year old body sat on my bed,her eyes kinda sparkle in this light?

"Alice."i snapped out of my thoughts and motioned her I was listening.she took a deep breath,"Alex talked to me,earlier today when I went shopping for the little one."My heart stopped for a second,i crossed my arms,"and what happened?"
"He told me to give you this."she opened up her backpack and handed me a note and a bright cherry red rose as she stood up.
"I know you hate hearing about him or anything he wants with you,but I just had to."she gave me an sympathetic look.She understands me well,in a way?
"Well,I have to go now,ill see you tomorrow at breakfast."She grabbed her umbrella and headed out,"be safe!"I softly yelled after her,once I was alone I dragged my heavy body towards the bathroom,i stripped my self off the now wet uniform leaving it to dry.I turned on the faucet and sprinkled some bath salts into the tub.

I grabbed the red rose and smelled it,it smelled like wonderfully!It reminds me of the one he left me at my house...he really knows how much I love roses.
Once I saw the perfect measure of water I left the rose on the little stool and I dipped my body into the warm water,feeling all the cold rain fall off of me.

I grabbed the note and opened it up to see Alex's beautiful writing.

I'm glad to hear you are well.I have my reasons for not coming to see you nor replying to your messages,its complicated.Three weeks ago I received some divorce papers from Destiny,the best thing for us right now is to not make contact,it might bring you danger and I wouldn't get to live with myself if someone hurt you.I don't know how long I'll be able to contact you,but I just want to say that
I Love You,and I hope you love that flower I send,they remind me of you;)

I crumbled the paper up and threw it across the bathroom.I felt tears run down my face as I crossed my arms,"if you do love me...you wouldn't leave me in hell;I could've helped you out?"I thought as i wiped my tears off,probably smudging my mascara?

I dried my body off as I pulled up my lacy black underwear and threw on my creamy white long shirt.I walked out the bathroom and combed out my hair,while i opened up my curtains to see the rain hit my window with power.

Before i closed them I turned off my lights and stepped inside my covers.I tucked myself in and enjoyed the rain sounds.
I sighed as I reached out for an old rusty picture that sat of my bedside table;The lady in the picture is the women they once said was my mother.
Her brown long curly hair,her pinky/beige skin,her big brown eyes.Her image impresses me every time I look at this picture.
I hugged the picture with a tightness inbetween,"Happy Birthday Mama,I'm sorry I couldn't visit you today...but...i-I really miss you..."i squeezed the old photograph in my arms as some tears sprinkled out of me.This is to much for me to handle,but I gotta keep fighting,for my mom.
But mostly,for the rest of my life.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Sorry it's short,I feel like it didn't come out as I expected but,at least I updated for you guys to start the week!I hope you guys enjoy your summer!!
If you have anything you would like to tell me,i would be glad to hear!!!
Love you all!!

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