The right thing

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I gasped awake feeling the loss of oxygen around me.I heavily breathed in and out scanning my surroundings.I groaned at the small amount of light coming in through my curtains.I huffed out air as I closed my eyes shut,it's already been a week and half ,it's Friday today,without seeing nor talking to Alex.I know he was drunk but still his words hurt me like a knife stabbing through flesh.

I've felt depressed majority of the time.The only time I go out of my house is when I go help at the orphanage or to my new working place.I needed the money so I thought I would start working again,I work at IHOP where I shift only in the breakfast hours.My phone vibrated under my back making me groan at the feeling.I snoozed my phone before getting up and stammering towards the restroom.I did the usually bathroom necessities before changing into my uniform.

It was a black polo shirt with the logo "IHOP"being in the center of a circle with the saying,"Best pancakes in town."I wore it with a pair of light blue jeans and my black vans,while I put my hair up in a messy bun.I grabbed my bag and put on my glasses before heading out.Once I sat in my car I did a little prayer before driving off.
"Alice Table five!"Matt yelled.I gave him a small smile before walking off towards the table.Matt was the manager of IHOP,he's twenty-four years old,he has brown hair and eyes,he was well built with a cute smile.When I met him he had the attitude of a business person,like someone I know,but he started to loosen up a bit last week.

I shut my eyes tight before shaking off the bad energy and making my lips form into a smile.That smile disappeared once I walked up to table five.The demon himself is here...and he brought medusa along,great.

"Alice,what a pleasant surprise!I didn't know you worked here?"He devilishly smiled at me,"What are you doing here Edward."I spat softly so other customers wouldn't hear,"Like I've said it to your 'boyfriend',it's a free country Alice.We can be civilized people and eat here."
I scoffed before I rolled my eyes,"You mean,ex?"Medusa finally spoke,beware shield your eyes!
"How do you know?"."I work for him sweetie,besides I guess-things happen for a reason."She devilishly smiled as she bit her lip,"Now do us a favor and play maid.You seem to really like that job?"

I tightened my grip on the notepad,trying not to loose and smack her with it as I wrote there order down.I forced a smile before walking back to Katie,the cook,"Here,also if you don't mind adding some crap to the meal,I would be satisfied."I sarcastically muttered loud enough for her to hear.She laughed as she tied her up blonde hair,"Did that once,got fired,and here I am."I threw my head back and laughed,never shall I doubt her,"That's our little secret."She winked before adding the pancake mix on the pan.
"Order up!"Katie yelled making me jump from my seat,"This is our little secret too."I whispered before checking my surroundings.I grabbed Chris's drink and spitting into it,as well as Edwards.I mean i have a feeling I might get fired,I'm getting my paycheck today so why not?She shook her head before saluting me,"It was nice knowing you."I saluted back before taking the plates while Katie took the 'drinks',"Finally."Chris muttered.

I rolled my eyes as I set the plates before Katie handed me Chris' drink,"Chris be nice,my baby is giving her a hard time."He touched my stomach rubbing circles around my small bump making my eye twitch.His touch felt cold like when ice touches your skin,I slapped his hand away with my other free hand,"Your the one who penetrated Alex's mind with the delusion of you being the father!"I pointed at him,"Now now don't raise your voice,obviously I'm the fath-"."We never had sex!"I yelled making customers turn around.Now ladies and gentlemen,cue the drama!"Your just obsessed with me becoming yours and I don't like it one bit!Stay away from me,'my baby' and my fiancé!"

"You mean ex fiancé."I snapped my head towards her as she smirked at me,"He told me all about your little fight.Its pathetic how you'd cheat on someone like him."Now I was livid,i could feel the aura around me darken as I tightened my squeeze on the drink trying not to lose it and punch her,"But don't worry,I distracted him for a while.He was begging for more but...I just couldn't stop thinking on how easy it was to steal him away from y-"Without thinking,I threw the drink at her,hearing her high pitch voice scream as the liquid cascaded over her face.

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