Difficlut times comes with difficult messures

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        AN/^i drew that!!!Hope you liked it!!

  "I didn't know you were invited?"I asked through clenched teeth.I would have to thank her for the amazing night I had last night but I am not going to,"Juvia did,I've been seeing her when she was at the hospital and we've actually became friends!"Chris flipped her dirty blond hair over her shoulder before she took a sip of whatever she was drinking.

"Oh,how kind of her."I smiled at her.Im sorry for my rudeness but when you find out your finances assistant is after him and has already made a move on him...well attitude changes,
"I heard you pregnant?"."Yeah...Alex and I are really excited."I said emphasizing 'Alex and I'.
She nodded as she bit her lip looking at the ground.
"Alice you want to meet Jace!"Juvia came into the room holding the most cutest thing on earth.
My eyes lit up as I walked away from Chris,"Oh my...hi Jace..."I sat down on the couch and rocked Jace back and fourth on my arms.He was so small just like a doll,he looked just like Ike but with Juvias brown chocolate hair.
He had chocolate brown eyes,chubby cheeks,and the cutest smile ever.I smiled at him making him giggle,"If only you were my age."I whispered to him as I kissed his cheek.He just played the cute one and showed me his huge grin with a side of small dimples.

"Hey,what's up with you and Chris?"Mckenzie sat besides me scanning the room probably to see if Chris was around,"We've had...some problems?"I briefly explained what's happened between us.
"Dang...and she has the nerve to even be here?"Mckenzie shook her head in disapproval,"But hey...you got a sexy night out of it...you should tell her that too."I tried not to laugh but ended up smiling like an idiot as I smacked her playfully.
        "Okay guys,let's play some games!"
Alex P.O.V

"Your serious,dang Alice can be a mad women but can you blame her?"Ike laughed along with Jack and David,"I know...but I wish Chris never showed up.Our lives would have been easy...we would be happy but then we would have Edward."I shoved my head in my palms.I told them about all that's happened with Chris but they laughed through all of it,"Besides me David,I've heard Mckenzie and you have been seeing each other?"

David chuckled,"Yeah,I've been wanting to ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't know what to say?"He nervously chuckled,"Well if you treat her right she'll fall for you."I assured him.
We were in the same bar i came with Olivia the night of the photoshoot.She gave me some coupons for the place because if I haven't mentioned this place is expensive.I know I'm a rich guy but I wanna start saving all my life's money for a future house,clothes for our children,toys,vacations,ect.Life economics right now is tough,even for us famous people,we don't stay young forever.

"Hey Jack how's Destiny?"David asked breaking me from my thoughts,"She's good,actually she's been doing yoga which is good for pregnant women to do.Shes already six months,that's pretty exciting!"Jack rubbed his hands together as he smiled nervously,"Calm down man,it'll all be find!"Ike patted his back while David chuckled for some odd reason.
"What do you think the baby will be Jack?"Jack shook his head before drinking his soda.
"What about you Alex?What gender do you want?"."I honestly don't care.As long as my baby and Alice are safe I'm at peace."I truthfully answer.I don't wish for a gender but I would like a boy to take care of his younger siblings.I would teach him how to be a gentleman but sexy like his father obviously.
"Oh wow this is a pleasant surprise!"Once I heard that voice I had an unpleasant taste in my mouth.

Probably the after taste of the wine I just drank before he came but his voice made it even worse,"Edward what are you doing here?"He smirked at me before looking away.I haven't seen that jerk face  in a month...I thought he died?
"Jack how's my baby sister?Is the pregnancy well?"Jack nodded before taking a sip of his wine,"Hey,I asked  a question?"."This is a free country Alex,I hope you know that."He turned to me with that stupid grin of his.
"Alex,why don't you tell Edward the great news?"Ike asked making his voice go into a high pitch.I knew that voice well enough to know Ike wanted me to make this a clear announcement for Edward to back off.

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