The unforgettable meeting✔️

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"Were are we going?"Mckenzie slurred as I dropped her heavy body inside my car,"somewhere."I muttered but
She started to giggle,"Somewhere over the rainbow..."she sang like Dorthy from The Wizards Of Oz.I shook my head at her stupidity and closed her door.I made sure to pack every single one of our things,which surprisingly fit in only seven garbage bags and two boxes.I made my way to the passenger side and slid my keys into the engine making my baby roar to life.I backed out of Edwards long driveway and headed towards Alex's house.I'm kinda nervous about the whole 'meeting' with Calvin and who knows who else?One thing I know is that this might be one heck of a meeting with Dorothy singing in the backseat.
I pressed the digits so the gates would let me in,i drove up the long driveway and parked outside the porch.I took out my keys and got out making my way to Mckenzies' side,"I'm royalty so treat me like it!"She snapped at me.
Oh more like a royal pain in the ass and sure I'll treat you like it!
I held my hand out for her to drag her jello like body out of the car.

She took her heels off as we made our way towards the doors,i rung the door bell hoping someone would quickly answer since Mckenzie looked like she was going to hurl like a volcano ready to burst .
The doors opened up to reveal Calvin dressed up in a white suit,"Why,hello there my little..."Before he could even finish Mckenzie threw up all over his white suit.Well today wasn't his day to wear white...oh well.

I tried not to crack up by the expression Calvin gave,he groaned to the smell of it making a gagging sound now and then.I held her hair up so it wouldn't get caught with her vomit,as soon as she was done she collapsed on the ground.

"You okay,Mckenzie?"She sarcastically looked at me,"No duh?I just threw up on my ex boss?"
Well Mckenzie's back to normal.I helped her up but not before laughing my ass off like a five year old at the sight of Calvin running towards the stairs.We walked into the living room were I saw:Destiny,Juvia,Ike,and well...we all know were Calvin is at the moment.But what caught my eye was Alex talking to some blonde chick I've never meet? Once Alexs' gaze fell on me he ran towards my direction.

I put Mckenzie on the couch before accepting Alexs' hug.His warmth sent sparks all over my body wanting to stop time and just stay in his arms,"Gosh,I've missed you so much.Also it's been a long time since I've seen you wear that uniform."his husky voice filled my ears before feeling his soft lips on my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his neck before smiling at him,"Well you'll see more if you behave yourself."I gave him a wink as he sent me his famous smirks.

"Ahem!Get a room I'm right behind you!"Mckenzie groaned.I let go off Alex while he deeply chuckled,"I'll get you an ice pack right now."i said before walking off towards Destiny seeing she was nervously walking around,"you okay?"She nodded,"Y-yeah..i...i just feel a little bit nervous since this is the first time Jack and my dad are... officially meeting."
I stared at her,"wait,does he know your pregnant?"
She kept bitting her thumbs nail,"Y-yes.I told him the day me and Alex were getting divorced,but I didn't tell him who's baby it is.H-he honestly thinks it's Alexs' but...well you know."
I nodded,"but he does know about Jack?"."y-yeah I told him he was my boyfriend,not my 'soon to be fiancé'"

I surprisingly looked at her,"He proposed!"I yelled but was shut up by Destinys' hand,"Be quit!No one knows!That's why I called everyone today."she whispered half yelled.I was about to ask another question but I heard the doorbell ring which made Destiny stiffen up.

"Shit,that's him!"She re-adjusted her long sleeved silky gold dress that hit the floor.I made my way next to Alex once I saw Destiny go outside.He was talking to Juvia,Ike,and that Blondie who I still haven't meet.

I hugged juvia and Ike before rubbing Juvias belly,"when is it time?"I looked at juvia sweating real badly and breathing heavily at the same time,"this week but I'm feeling a 'little' sweaty?I don't want the baby coming before due date."I nodded.The blondie walked up to juvia,"I'll get you some water."."I'll help."She smiled at me before walking off towards the kitchen.

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