𝟐 | 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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"Come, sit down," Wooyoung eagerly urged his friend. Hongjoong sat down, completely perplexed, and continued to stare at Seonghwa.

"This is my friend Hongjoong I told you about," Wooyoung said, placing his hands on Hongjoong's shoulders as he smiled at his friends. "And this is Park Seonghwa and Kang Yeosang," Wooyoung proudly introduced his friends.

Park Seonghwa.

Hongjoong couldn't concentrate and continued to stare at Seonghwa until Seonghwa looked at him as well began to speak. "It is nice to meet you. Wooyoung has told us so much about you," he said.

Hongjoong chuckled awkwardly and turned to his friend. Wooyoung grinned and sat down next to Hongjoong. "Just a little," he said vaguely. "But I told them that you are my best friend and my soul mate," Wooyoung said, squeezing Hongjoong with both arms.

Hongjoong pretended to cough and the others laughed. Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa again. He really did have the most beautiful smile, Hongjoong thought.

Wooyoung suddenly stood up. "Hongjoong and I have to work now, but make yourself comfortable," he spoke to his friends, then pulled Hongjoong with him. Hongjoong was still looking at Seonghwa as he walked behind the counter.

Wooyoung analysed his face.
"What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing.", Hongjoong said quickly and shook his head. He set to work. Wooyoung kept looking at him questioningly, but then started working too.


Half an hour passed and nothing happened. Hongjoong wondered inwardly why he suddenly felt this kind of attraction to Seonghwa. He didn't know him at all.

A little frustrated, he put two drinks on a tray. "This is not what they ordered." Hongjoong looked up in confusion. "Huh?" The other waiter looked really annoyed. "This is not what the customers ordered," he said more precisely now, pointing to the two glasses Hongjoong had just handed him. "Oh, I'm sorry about that," Hongjoong said immediately and picked up the glasses again. The waiter rolled his eyes and walked away.Now Hongjoong was annoyed too.

When Wooyoung came over to him, Hongjoong grabbed Wooyoung's arm. "Here, give them to your friends for free," he said, handing Wooyoung the drinks. Wooyoung was confused, but then did as he said and came back a minute later.

Hongjoong started mixing again and looked up again when Wooyoung returned. "I told them the drinks were from you and they thanked you and said to come to them at break time," Wooyoung said. Hongjoong looked across the room to the table they were sitting at. "Well I don't know..." he started to say, but Wooyoung had already left. Hongjoong sighed.

"Pull yourself together, Hongjoong. You've never acted so weird before," he muttered to himself, trying to concentrate again.


Full of sweat and tired, Hongjoong sat down at a table when he took a short break. But he couldn't even rest for a second because Wooyoung spotted him and grabbed him by the arm. "Let's go," he said euphorically, pulling Hongjoong with him to a particular table. Hongjoong gulped as they sat down, earning two looks from Yeosang and Seonghwa.

Yeosang suddenly nudged him. "Thanks for the drinks, man," he said. Wooyoung plopped down next to the three. "Um, no problem.", Hongjoong replied, glancing briefly at Seonghwa, who smiled at him.

"How long do you plan to stay?", Wooyoung asked. "I have to leave soon. I have class in the morning," Seonghwa replied. "You're going to university?", Hongjoong asked suddenly, and everyone looked at him. Seonghwa nodded and smiled. "Yes, I have been studying medicine for three years," he said, now giving all his attention to Hongjoong.
Hongjoong nodded in understanding.

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