𝟏𝟓 | 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝

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"You want to tell me what happened now?


"I had a fight with Joshua," Seonghwa finally said as he and Hongjoong sat at the table eating. "You went to your parents' house right?" Hongjoong asked. Seonghwa nodded hesitantly. "Don't be mad at me but can we maybe talk about something else for now?" Hongjoong nodded. "Let's just eat and then sleep." he spoke and Seonghwa thanked him. He had no strength to talk about Joshua.


Darkness enveloped Wooyoung. A warm blanket was wrapped around his naked body and yet he felt endlessly cold.

The door opened and a beam of light hit the room. Wooyoung looked up from the floor where he was squatting. San's eyes rested on him before he entered the room. "You should leave now." he spoke, stopping in front of Wooyoung with his hands in his pants pockets.

Wooyoung didn't know why but he suddenly felt like a piece of shit. Was it because of San?

With trembling legs, he stood up, the blanket still around him. "I'll see you this weekend then?" San asked, making a motion for Wooyoung to leave. Wooyoung looked at him for a while, then nodded and gathered his clothes from the floor. "I'll pick you up on Saturday," San added and then left the room.

Wooyoung had no idea why San was suddenly like this when he had given him all his attention just a few hours ago. He knew he was only here for sex, but at least he hoped he wouldn't get kicked out in the middle of the night like this.

Wooyoung got dressed and threw the blanket back on San's bed. He took a deep breath before grabbing his phone, leaving the room and slamming San's front door a few seconds later.

With quick steps, he walked to the elevator and then tapped on his phone until Hongjoong's name popped up. He dialed the number but as expected, no one picked up. Hongjoong was probably already asleep. Wooyoung sighed and left the big building. He would just wait until the sunrise and then go to Hongjoong.

Wooyoung walked through the dark streets with no destination in mind.


Hongjoong was spreading a new mattress cover over his bed when Seonghwa entered the room. Hongjoong looked up and his breath caught at the sight.

"I mean the pants are a little too short but everything else fits," Seonghwa smiled and looked down at himself. Hongjoong had given him his clothes and he already regretted it. Seonghwa was just too good looking.

"Here you can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch," Hongjoong said and put back his pillows. Seonghwa looked at him in surprise. "No I'll take the couch it's fine."

Hongjoong gave him a warning look, then walked past Seonghwa to the door. "If anything happens, call me," he said before closing the door quietly, leaving Seonghwa alone.

Although Seonghwa was no longer in the same room with him, his heart did not stop beating wildly as he lay down on the couch. He knew very well that it was not good that Seonghwa was here. He also knew that it was not good that he was actually secretly a little happy that Seonghwa and Joshua had a fight and that Seonghwa was here now. He knew that all his thoughts and feelings that were coming to him now were wrong and yet he couldn't stop them. He forgot everything else and thought only of Seonghwa while trying to fall asleep.


Hongjoong was awakened by a dull sound. His eyelids felt heavy and his head ached.

Nevertheless, he slowly got up and yawned. The dull sound came from his front door. With heavy steps, Hongjoong walked to the door and slowly opened it. Wooyoung appeared in front of him.

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