Sadako (The Ring)

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This is probably my most unexpected lemon yet ngl. From both me never discussing this with anyone besides one for a bit, to the person in the title, to my fear for dislike and stuff of this nature. All I can say is...meep.

Alright the reasoning for this one is actually simple. I was taking to a friend of mine a few months back and somehow it got to talk about doing a lemon on this girl here for the fuck of it. Now I'm actually doing this now for reasons beyond me besides hentai I've seen in passing, so I guess it's happening.

Although from my limited knowledge of this series this girl is what, some weird age or some shit? So for this lemon I'm EXCLUSIVELY using the thicc hentai versions/the age used for this story. I know this is weird coming from me, but those that actually wanna bang the actual version of this girl is pretty down bad lol.

So with that established, I guess I should ask the question of the day. Favorite horror villain?

With that said, hope you all enjoy! Oh God what did I get myself into...


With the Reader:

"ARGH!" Somebody screamed as their face was slammed into a nearby locker, you behind them giving them a blank look as you pushed your hand further into the back of their head and into the object in front of you both

"Can you not? I'm gonna have to hit you harder to knock you out if you keep screaming." You would tell him, but the male just continued it to your annoyance

"Fine, you did this to yourself." You told him before...


Kicking him straight in the back, a soft crack being heard as he crashed further into the locker, finally quieting him as you brought your foot down and sighed. You would give a quick glance to the locker room around you, seeing the unconscious and beaten bodies that littered the ground area; though what caught your attention was a pretty scrawny looking boy sitting in the corner, his body in a fetal position as he stared up at you in fear, tears leaking from the sides of his eyes. Rolling your eyes at this, you would walk towards the boy before you kneeled before him and placed a hand on his head which got a flinch from the male.

"Hey I took them down for you, so you can stop being scared around me." You told him as the boy, still very much afraid, attempted to get the words out to you

"A-A-A-Are th-they..." He tried as you sighed

"No they're not dead. Busted them up enough they might need a hospital for the next while though." You said before standing up and beginning to walk towards the door, giving the boy a single glance back

"I'll here tomorrow right before the first bell, be ready with your money." You said before leaving the room, closing the door behind you and leaving the shaking boy in your wake

It would be a few minutes after this had occurred, you looking through a few writings on two small pieces of paper with a tiny hint of boredom if not annoyance. The bell hadn't rang yet so the students around you were still in the hallway, talking or gathering up books from wherever they placed them; although one thing that was common was how a couple of people kept somewhat of a distance from you, which you were fine with. After all you've never really cared once you started your "business", besides the positive comments from others once you helped them was cool enough.

Female Various x Male Reader {Lemons}Where stories live. Discover now