Samsung Sam (Samsung)

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Remember when this girl was such a big thing?

Like seriously, by the time I am writing this, a whole ass year ago she blew up what I honest to God believe to be 5 hours and was considered a new big waifu that while not big in the chest department as a, as the kids call it, PHAT ass. Meanwhile I'm over here like "...Ok." because it was just the internet being the internet, but then I decide to gander over towards some fanart and dearest heaven's did she have a ton of hentai and comics already!

Now you may be asking, "Drago, what the fuck are you on about? Give me the chapter." and to that I say hold on I'm getting there! Anyways so I'm sitting, needing an idea for a lemon after my last one, and I decide "Sam was popular, lets do her!" and boom! Sam gets a chapter and was sitting in my drafts for an entire fucking year. Yay.

Truth be told when her hype was coming out I was acting planning to do a chapter on her, back during my days of not putting lemons into books, Archive readers probably don't know I don't do that on Wattpad, so you could tell it was in the planning for a while. I even had a semblance of an idea then, but now its been me actually sitting down and writing it. This also happens to be the 10th chapter of this book, so let's celebrate!

But before we begin...some of ya'll are wild.

I was out here for a hot minute searching for a decent enough ecchi Sam fanart picture to post, and what I get is some weird pics. And so much fucking FEET! Guys! Aim higher! I don't wanna judge but if most of it is disproportions and feet action, maybe find something else to draw. I dunno man, but come on.

Phew! Mini rant over. Anyways question of the day is which if your favorite brand of phone?

With that done, enjoy the chapter!


With the Reader:

"Now sign here. Alright, all done!" The person in front of you said, a happy smile present on their faces as they took the permission slip into their hands

"With this you're officially one of our 10 testers of the new Samsung phone we are developing! If there are any problems let us know through the app present on the Home Screen so that we may help, and if there is any more trouble come back here so we can add the feedback into the final product." They continued to tell you with the same smile on their faces, all while you leaned back in your chair and nodded

"Will do." You said as you began to inspect the device. It looked similar to the previous type they made, though you could tell it was improved based on the screen quality and look of device compared to the previous one.

"Good then! Is there anything that you need help with before you leave? How to sign in? Make a password? How to download? Where certain things are?" They would continue to to ask, almost making you roll your eyes as looked up from the device and at them

"Don't need to, you already explained it for me. Besides I can just figure it out as I go along." You answered, making them chuckle and put a fist to their head playfully

"Ah right! I forgot! Haha!" They got out merrily, making you sweatdrop

"How they got this job is beyond me..." You thought to yourself as the person made a peace sign

"Remember what the contract says, come back in two weeks so we could see the results and your likes and dislikes of the device. We'll be sure to update it and work around any bugs you find." They told you, making you nod

Female Various x Male Reader {Lemons}Where stories live. Discover now