Ruby Rose (RWBY)

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Creative opening statement.

Welcome my fellow dragons/other mythologies to ANOTHER chapter of this book! Today as hinted in my last chapter in this book we're doing another RWBY character today! So with the title suggesting, it's none other than the "main" character of the show itself, Ruby Rose!

Now I know there's gonna be questions as to "Why Ruby?" and stuff of that nature and my answer is...I've had this lemon planned for months at this point, and since I already did best girl Neo, Pyrrha, and Weiss I might as well do the main character of the series. I mean she was coming anyways, might as well get her over with and get my idea out there.

Also yes there will be more RWBY lemons in the future, and they are in the plans with one already done planning. Dunno when it'll be out but be on the lookout for that.

Also for quick information the "real" Ruby lemon doesn't start until the 8th bullet point. You'll see what I mean when you get there, meep.

Welp time for the famous question of the day! Coolest Semblance in RWBY?

Anyways I won't waste your time anymore. Hope you all enjoy the chapter!


With Ruby:

"Training time training time! This is so exciting!" Ruby thought to herself cheerfully as she skipped down the halls of the Atlas training facility. She was sure that anyone looking at her would question why she was rushing down the halls with such a happy look on her face-along with otherthings- but it didn't really matter to her! She was just so excited for what she was about to involve herself in!

You see, after arriving to the city of Atlas and getting access to a ton of the perks that come from serving under Ironwood, team RWBY and friends would spend their time hanging around or training to better themselves now that they were official hunts-people. Now Ruby here wanted to better herself more as a fighter, and after releasing how she was pretty much useless without her dear weapon 'Crescent Rose' at her disposal she decided on changing that. However there was a slight...problem with that...

...Currently no one was around to train her.

Yeah sadly for the scythe wielder on the day she decided to go out to train her hand to hand combat skills no one was around. Her Ace-Ops trainer Harriet was out on a mission with her team, Ren was out with Jaune and Weiss so he was out of the picture, and her sister Yang was out in Mantle with Qrow doing God knows what; to be honest she was somewhat glad she didn't ask her the blonde for help, as it would just escalate to her failing to fight her without her weapon and getting taunted in the process. She really, really didn't want to deal with that for a few hours, even if she knew what her sibling did was in good faith. So this left her with basically no options for a training parter, and this sort of made her depressed.

But regardless she decided to push through and train by herself in a private weighted room Ironwood generously lent her group, occupying the space for some self serving training with her body, a sandbag, and a training dummy. Sadly though it got boring real quick and just the sounds of her voice wasn't enough as she tried to work on improving her combat skills without any outside source to tell her what she should be focusing on.

That would lead her to her good friend Nora, who gave her a solution that completely escaped her mind!

Flashback 1 hour ago:

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