Wiz (Konosuba: God's Blessing On This Wonderful World!)

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HELLO my fellow dragons/other mythologies to ANOTHER Various chapter and today we are doing one of the best characters in Konosuba, Wiz!

This girl is probably one of the most if not the most requested girl to do ngl. I swear when I posted my Darkness lemon there were a ton of people that wanted me to do a Wiz lemon, and Lord and behold after some help with the plans and me finally updating this books this lemon has arrived...after about 11 months, but who cares for the details?

Someone in the back: The fans that waited!

Shut it Gary! *ahem!* Anyways this chapter should be pretty fun, and I hope it fits the tone of Konosuba whilst also being a really lewd chapter chapter because, ya know, lemon. I swear these lemons always wanna make me do a Konosuba book in the future, maybe I should start it one day soon. Who knows!

Moving on its time for the QUESTION OF THE DAY! What is the FUNNIEST moment in Konosuba? I'm curious to know.

If its not when Kazuma loses faith in humanity I swear-

With that being said, I hope you all enjoy the chapter!


With the Reader:


"WIZ P-Oh fuck...!"


The kind shopkeeper in question would jump at the sudden slam through the door to her store, turning quickly from a bunch of items she was analyzing to look towards the door in concern. Her right to be that way was quickly proven to be right as she saw a male of taller than average height laying on the floor face down, twitching ever so slightly as both a hand and leg laid bent in the sky. This person currently wore a long black trench coat with a black shirt that read "Oppai" on the front, followed by some black pants and boots, the darkened color only really illuminated by the silver colored designs all over the coat and pants. This was of course you, and you didn't even bother to get up and continued to lay there twitching as you thought over the many other ways you could've prevented your fall in the first place.

Walking in here normally? Check. Watched where you were going? Check. Calm down a bit? Double check. Not be stupid? Check-

"O-Oh Y/n! Are you alright?" The girl identified as Wiz would ask you in both surprise and concern, so focused on you and not even noticing the random people that began to look into the store after hearing the noise made

"Not at all! I need your help!" You said, shooting up to your feet and slamming the door on the passerby's faces, who groaned at the sudden slam but went about their day

"R-Really? W-What happened Y/n?" She would ask only for you to gesture down towards your lower half, quite rapidly as you comically waved your hands up and down it with a blue face and beads of sweat falling down your face quickly. It got the shopkeeper to blink as she saw it, looking down towards what you were gesturing towards...

And proceeded to blush immediately once she saw what exactly the problem with you was.

It was a penis! Not just any one though, a large one that looked as it was threatening to tear through your pants! It hanged down and was trapped just a little above your knee, with a thickness that she was sure that was slightly over half the width of her wrist, and was quite literally pulsating slightly. There was no doubt it was at it's max capacity, and judging by the looks of it and how you were gesturing towards it, this wasn't its usual size. Or it actually was and there was another problem with your dick, but she was more convinced on her current hypothesis.

Female Various x Male Reader {Lemons}Where stories live. Discover now