Midna (Legend of Zelda)

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Now hear me out here.

I wanna preface this entire thing by confessing that my Zelda knowledge is extremely limited, and the most I know are from some one off YouTube videos or from information my cousin would give me when he would play the games, as well as some info from friends. That's why when you see this chapter it'll most definitely be the shortest of the last and most likely next few bunch of chapters, so sorry about that. I will still try my best though so you all can enjoy! Just think of it as a mini-chapter!

Anyways this was a request, I believe the first one for the book actually, from "Xenohunter01", and I said she was gonna be in the next few chapters after Sadako. So here it is after 10 months! meep!

Now I just wanna say, this doesn't mean to start requesting me lemons cause I already got a ton on my plate, I wanna get that out of the way cause I know that even with that on my bio I'll still get them. Not to say I hate requests, but I got too much to do for them at the given moment.

So with all that said, I should get onto the QUESTION OF THE DAY! What would you consider to be the best Legend of Zelda game?

Phew, done with the introduction. Hope you all enjoy the chapter!


With the Reader:

Being tied up was not a great way to spend your day.

You were sure this wasn't the most unreasonable thing to say, but telling that yourself was pretty much all you could do after what appeared to be hours-it was actually only a few minutes- of being tied from both your hands and feet by chains, suspended a few feet in the air in the middle of a cell that looked to be one you would find on your adventures with your friend Link. Truth be told you only recently awoken in this new location from your mid day slumber, but you were already dreading the length of time that would your confinement.

Honestly however...that wasn't even the "worst" part of your current situation. Oh no, the biggest thing was that you were by all accounts butt ass naked. Nude, as the day you were born, as each time you freshen yourself, as, well, anything you could think of. While it didn't fully bother you, you were more or less concerned over who captured you and why it happened, as well as if a bug would appear. Those little guys could be so scary when they find an open hole to get through, which cautioned you over the flying ones.

But in this situation you recalled something that princess Zelda had told you to do whenever in this situation. Relax, access your surroundings, and then proceed to wait things out to see what will happen...

...Not the best advice, but what more could you do in this situation.

"Badup, badup, badup badup baaadup." You murmured lowly, thanking the Gods that your mouth was free so you could sing the tune. While the wait and situation wasn't ideal, the power of song was enough to calm your nerves. Though you stopped once you saw a flying blur quickly go through each one of your bindings, observing to see its next move.


"...Ow." You would mutter to yourself once you found that the restraints were undone, moving your body up until you practically jumped onto your feet. It would be at this point the blur had stopped its movements, hovering a few feet from your front with a relaxed and almost sultry smile with it's legs crossed.

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