two // dirty dress

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The whole car journey was silent. Completely and absolutely, silent. I still had no clue as to what the kind woman's name was, and she didn't seem to think it was important.

I hadn't the slightest idea as to where she was taking me. So far I was the most clueless person in existence, i felt as if I didn't know anything.

"My name is Joy." She turned her attention away from the empty road, and turned to look at my state in the dim orange light. My pale blue dress was covered in mud, and it didn't seem to look blue at all anymore.
"You need some clothes, don't you hun?" I nodded slightly, embarassed to admit it.
"I have some clothes you can wear for the night, tomorrow I'll take you out and buy you some clothes." She smiled kindly at me and finally switched off the car engine.

"This is where i live." She pointed at the large house with a warm smile across her face. It looked...well, big.
"Let me take your things." I handed her my tiny ball of scrunched clothes and followed her to the door.

"I hope I'm not intruding, I could always just go-"
"Nonsense! I won't allow you to stay anywhere else lovely." She smiled once again before unlocking her door and pushing it open for me.

One step into the house, and the furniture made me feel self-conscious. It wasn't posh, but simple and elegant. The walls were a pale lilac, and a comforting aroma drifted through the hallway.

"My daughter has some clothes upstairs, she doesn't wear them anymore." She gestured to the staircase and I followed her to the second floor. I was clutching onto my small bag and pulling at the thin handle, as she rummaged through a small cupboard.

"Here." She smiled and handed me a pair of grey cotton shirts and a worn out red flannel shirt.
"Thank you so-"
"There is no need to thank me." She rested her palm on my shoulder and looked me from my tangled hair, to my bare blistered feet.
"The bathroom is over there if you want to go wash up?" I nodded and followed the direction in which she was pointing.

- -

The bathroom was very fancy. The walls were red and there was two sinks? One sink had very, let's say feminine findings. Such as: waxing strips and tweezers. The other was covered with bottles of shaving cream.

I ignored the surroundings and climbed into the shower. Before I started to scrub soap against my body, i acknowledged the many coloured bruises across my body. As strange as it may sound, I've grown to admire them. Marks on the body always fascinated me. They way they were always different colours, shaped and sizes. To me, each bruise was a unique shade of lilac which would maybe contrast with a deep green.

I turned away from the bruises, and stepped under the warm water. I watched as each drop slid down my skin, and occasionally made me flinch as it ran over the marks on my body.

I just stood there. Thinking about...everything. after I had scrubbed my body from head to toe, and pushed some shampoo through my mattered strands of hair, I started to get bored of the liquid against my body.

"Hello?" A deep voice startled me and I immediately turned the shower off to see who was talking.
"Uhm hello?" I responded quietly, scared as to who it might be. Without another moment to lose, the door was opened and I hid embarrassingly behind the shower curtain.
"Is that you Mali?" He snickered. I didn't know how to respond.
" I. Im not. Im just." I couldn't seem to finish my sentences no matter how hard I tried.
"Wait. Who the hell are you then?" The playful tone in his voice disappeared as his curiosity grew bigger.
"My name is Daisy and im just having a shower because a kind lady named Joy let me have one and I don't know which towel to use and I don't know what to do so please help me." I realised how much I was babbling and went bright red and the words that had just escaped my mouth

We stayed in silence for what seemed like forever, but I heard shuffling in the background. I suddenly saw a towel emerge through the gap in the side of the curtain, and i grabbed it before wrapping it around my body.
"Uhm...I'll just let you finish up." I didn't hear anything, not even the door closing. "Im Calum by the way." The door then closed and I let out a loud sigh of relief.

I poked my head through the side of the curtain, just to check if he was still there. Fortunately he wasn't, and i quickly ran to the clothes and pulled them on. I lay the towel on what seemed to look like a drying rack, and exited the bathroom.

- -

I made my way downstairs to ask Joy where I would be sleeping. No that there was anything to discuss, I was sleeping on the couch. I wasn't going to let her give me a room in such a lovely house, I was invading their privacy enough.

"Hey." I immediately turned my head to see a (very tall) dark haired boy. He was giving me a warm smile and two sweet dimples in his cheeks were showing. Im guessing that's Calum?

- -

Im sorry this is a really crappy chapter but there will be beef as it gets along (beef is another stupid ass word for banta or drama) :)

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