seven // new acquaintances

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Calums P.O.V

The rest of the week was...interesting. Not in a bad way, in a good way. Daisy and i had resumed our lives. We were in two different worlds. She stayed in her room and i stayed in mine. Recently i've seen her wake up and rush to the bathroom, but she always looks like a wreck. Her eyes would be like two large heavy bags laying on her face. However, as soon as she had come downstairs for dinner, her skin would clear and her eyes would be bright and lifted.

"hey Daisy are you ready to leave?" i called to her from the bottom of the staircase.
"yes just give me a minute!!!" she yelled back

I sat on the bottom step waiting for my sister to descend down the stairs. Today (once again) my mother was making me take Daisy out. Unfortunatley, today was the day i was going to finally reunite with my 3 best friends; Michael, Ashton and Luke after 6 long months. All 3 were caught smoking weed on school premises, so their parents grounded them all for 6 months. Even though look wasn't even doing anything, his mum was still pretty pissed.

"DAISY ARE YOU COMING??!!!" i yelled once again hoping for her to hurry the fuck up.
"calm the fuck down I'm coming!" she screamed as she ran down the stairs towards me.

I didn't really pay attention to her appearance, since i was too busy texting Luke that we were going to be late.

ME: bro we're gonna be a bit late, Daisy was taking forever??

LUKE: looking forward to meeting the mysterious new girl mate, see you in a bit :3

I shoved my phone in my pocket and looked up at Daisy, whos hair was now apparently blue? Her outfit was definitley very different. Her long legs that were never on display, we half covered with black knee high socks. I looked at her Marilyn Manson shirt with amazement. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE KNEW WHO MANSON WAS?? she pulled on a pair of creepers and looked up at me.

"you ready to go?" she grinned.
"eerm.....yeh. by the way i like your erm hair."
"thanks." she grinned even bigger and nudged me. I found it so cute that even though the sole of her creepers were so thick, she wasn't anywhere near my height.

We made our way over to my car and drove to town to pick up my 3 friends. On the way Daisy wanted a slushie so she begged me stop to get one.
"will your friends even like me Calum?" she looked worried as she tucked her legs into her chest and slurped on her slushie. We were driving out from the gas station, and i stupidly took the longer route to town.
"they'll love you holy shit?! you're great why wouldn't they like you? And besides, Michaels girlfriend will be there so you wont be the only girl." I looked over at her as she stared thoughtfully out of the large car window.
"anyways, who wouldn't love a girl with blue hair?" i scruffed up the top of her hair and turned to me giving me the scariest look i had ever seen.


"Ok we're here Daisy" she sighed so heavily i think they heard it from outside the car. she un-tucked her legs and stepped thought the door, slamming it behind her.
"Calum. I'm scared." she tugged on my sleeve and i could see how scared she was. I didn't understand why she was so nervous, so i pulled her in for a tight hug and everything kind of just went...blank.
it was just Daisy and me. Everything else was irrelevant. Her warmth against my chest was the only thing that mattered. We held onto one another other, as if we were each others support.

Daisys P.O.V

"uhm Calum are you going to let go?" I left my trance and pulled away immediately.
"sorry, lets just go say hi to everyone." Calum replied dazed.
we slowly approached the three boys who were sitting on a large ass wall (only god knows how the fuck they got up there)
"AYYYYYEEE CALUM LONG TIME NO SEE BROO!!!" a tall blonde boy with lip ring yelled from where he was sitting, and they both ran in for a hug.

"sup bro! this is Daisy by the way everybody" Calum presented me to his friends as if i was a product for sale on TV.

"hellooo." i waved slightly.

"so you're the mystery Daisy? I've heard a lot about you from Calum."

"you have?" i didn't think Calum spoke to his friends about me that often.
"yes i have. I'm Luke and this is Ashton and Michael."

Ashton was the shortest out of the four, but apparently the oldest. He had glasses on that reminded me of Bertie Guilbert and facial hair that made him look like he belonged on my tumblr feed. Michael on the other hand looked like the exact opposite. He looked like a sweet and gentle guy who tried way too hard to be hardcore with his jet black hair and AC/DC shirt.

"hey Michael, sorry i'm late." a darker skinned girl with glasses jumped up from behind him and wrapped her arms around Michaels waist. Michael was overjoyed to see her and instantly picked her up pulling her in for a tight hug.
"oh sorry Daisy, this is my girlfriend Jessie." The tall girl looked over at me and suddenly hid behind Michael as if she was scared of me.

"Hey i don't bite." i tried to give her a welcoming smile but she stood behind Michael in silence.
"yehhhh she's kinda shy tho" Michael stated the obvious.
"she'll get used to you don't worry." Michael reassured.

"okay so everyone knows everyone, are we all good?" Calum asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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