five // bonding time

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Its been a month since Joy took me into her home. A month since i entered a home with an amazing family.

Joy and David are still incredibly caring, and they treat me like an important guest. Calum and i however, don't really speak that much. I don't think he hates me and i certainly don't hate him, but we're just distant.

"Calum come down here please!!" Joy called from the kitchen. I didn't go to school so Joy homeschooled me. I sat in the living room doing some weird questions out of Calums old textbook he forgot to return, and silently listened. The only thing i could hear were muffled voices, and occasionally an exasperated moan.

"Daisy could you please come into the kitchen?" I climbed off the couch and walked over to the kitchen.
"Hi." I greeted as i entered and attracted stares from Calum and Joy.

"I think you two need to spend some time together." Calum turned to me and pursed his lips together raising his eyebrows.
"Why's that?" I never though Joy would even want us to 'bond' or whatever.
"Well you're going to be living together and...i guess you're kind of siblings now so-i dont need to state my reason! Just get changed go out and be back by 8." She pointed out of the kitchen and Calum and i went to get ready.


I pulled on my black converse and loosely tied my laces while i waited for Calum. I wasn't wearing anything special. Just a plain white short sleeves shirt tucked into a pair of black shorts. I shoved a dark grey hoodie in my bag and sat on the bottom step.

"Hey you ready?" I heard Calum's voice from behind me, and nodded as i walked to the door. "Soooo...what would you like to do?" He asked as we walked towards his black jeep.
"I really don't mind." I lied. I wanted to go to a field not too far from here. I used to go there when i was younger and i haven't been there in a while.
"Uhm ok then. So i can take you absolutely anywhere?" He turned to me and smirked. I nodded nervously not knowing what else to do.


We drove for a while, stopped to pick up some pizza, then got back on the road.
"Daisy do you hate me?" I turned to face him as i was startled by his question.
"Of course i dont hate you. Why would i hate you?"
"Well we don't really talk and i don't know." I couldn't respond, so i didn't.

He finally pulled up next to some trees and handed me the pizza to hold.
'Gods sake he's a bit moody' i thought as he climbed out of the car, and i followed.
"Where are we going?" I asked, and he stopped. He turned around and walked over to me.
"Stay here. I'll be right back." He ordered and ran back to the car.
"Wait i-" before anything else could happen, i heard the sound of tires crushing the ground beneath them.

At his point i started to get worried. I didn't want to assume the worst but thats what seemed had happened. Calum had left me in the middle of nowhere, with a box of extra large pepperoni pizza.

"You didn't think i ditched u right?" I looked up to see Calum holding out his hand in front of me. I shook my head and rejected his hand, instead brushing past his shoulder and walking ahead.
"Wait where are we going?" I turned back to Calum who was slowly trudging behind me.

He pulled my hand and led me to an open field. Which looked Exactly the same as the one i visited as a child.
"Calum its beautiful." I stated as he jumped up onto the hood of his car.
"I know." He smirked and lay back against the windshield.
I walked up to him and lay the pizza down as i jumped up next to him.

"Thank you." I turned and nudged Calum gently while smiling.
"Why are you thanki-"
"Just thank you." I turned back to face the faded blue sky, and heard Calum moan exasperated behind me.

- - - -

Ok so i haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry but yehhh // i have another book that i started writing a long time ago called 'Far Away'. I've kind of stopped writing that because i've forgotten what i wanted the whole plot to be, and I'm going to try and focus on finishing this book. Ok so yeh bye :)

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