Code of Silence

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Lucy arrived at the hospital, a small backpack hanging from the shoulder as she signed in.

She sat down on the bed, waiting patiently for her doctor to enter. After a few blood draws and paper tests, she was finally given a final conclusion.

"Miss Chen, I'm Dr. Lynn, how are you," a blonde woman smiled, waving her hand as she entered the small room.

"Hungry," Lucy laughed, grabbing her water bottle from the small bag.

"Super normal, cafeteria is open, but if I were you I would just hop over next few doors into that small convenience store," the doctor replied, her smile still big as she sat down on the metal stool. She clasped her hands together, placing them on her lap.

"Results came back almost clear, your tests came back as usual, and the pain you described in your lower abdomen should go away in the next two or three days, if not you should come back immediately. If it gets worse, you can always call." Dr. Lynn smiled.

"Do you think it could be a disease?"

"No, I am almost 100 percent what you are feeling is the stress from the job, all the running? Placing heat with either a cloth of bottle will be your best bet," she arose from her seat.

She read over the chart left by the previous nurse, making sure to cover her face as she reread.

"Now, you did do a genital test, yes?" Lynn asked, placing down the clipboard.

Lucy nodded a yes, and the doctor sat back down.

"Well it says here you've got PGAD." She replied, handing Lucy her folded clothing.

"Persistant Genital Arousal Disorder, now, I promise you it's not as bad as it sounds, the internet will make it sound as if you are going to die if you don't have sex immediately." Lynn laughed, and Lucy just threw her body back into the bed in embarrassment.

"This just means your sexual hormones are much higher, this goes away and comes back, and of course, usually goes away after, well," Dr. Lynn clapped her hands, her eyes squinting as her smile grew into a giggle as she saw Lucy cover her face with a pillow.

"You sure it comes back?" Lucy whined, voice muffled.

"Yep, and look, the internet won't help with this, unfortunately this isn't common," the blonde woman spoke, lifting from her seat.

"Thank you," Lucy spoke, uncovering her face.

"Of course, I've left my card with my personal number on the back as well, whenever you feel the need, you call me," she smiled, exiting the room.

Lucy threw on her clothing, exiting the building a few minutes later.

She hadn't seen any police cars outside the hospital, and thanked herself when she made it home.

She quickly got ready for work, putting her hair into a slicked bun. She knew Tim wouldn't be happy with her debacle, and so doing her hair now was in her best cards.

"Jackson, I gotta go!" She called from the living room, giving her roommate a final hug before exiting the apartment complex.


"How come Chen isn't in? She said you signed her off," Tim clasped his hands, searching for any nosy police officers around the office.

He sat himself down, waiting for Grey's response.

"She needed a few hours before coming in, I assume you fill her in on what I said at roll call?" Grey arched an eyebrow, eyes fixed on the paper in front of him.

"Hours for what?"



Wade crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. He let go of his pen, removing his glasses.

Tim leaned back as well, hands on his thighs.

"Visit to the hospital, it doesn't concern you. Her doctor already called me, she should be here before 11." He sighed, shaking his head as he placed his glasses on his head.

"The hell is she doing there?" Timothy asked, crossing his arms.

Grey gave him a look, and Tim began to stand, looking around once more.

"I better not have Chen complaining to me about you biting her head off end of shift! And no talking to her about her delay!"

Tim put his hands up in surrender, closing the door as he left the office.


Lucy arrived, making her way to the locker room to change into uniform. She was thankful for not running into Tim, not sure what he might say to her.

She exited the bathroom, immediately heading to the gear room, waiting for the woman at the window to hand their equipment. She huddled to the garage, putting their gear into the shop. She met eyes with Bradford when he caught her stuffing the war bags into the trunk.

He made his way over, entering the vehicle. She walked in front of the shop, entering the passengers seat, smoothing her pants with her palms.

Tim softened his eyes for a moment, scanning Lucy's face. Lucy parted her lips, though closed them again, taking the moment to gaze into Tim's eyes. In this moment, they were dark, a deep blue entertaining her brown eyes.

The moment lasted when a call for the two came over the radio, a simple 488.

Chen responded, holding the radio close before setting it down, turning to face Tim again. By this time, they had already been in route, and she'd been fixated on his face. There was the smallest amount of stubble on his face, and she smiled before pulling her eyes off him.

The rest of their shift went smoothly, only a few 459s's and a 415e.

They hadn't spoken the entire shift, only words spoken into the radio.


Bradford exited the locker room, backpack over his shoulder.

Lucy exited at the same time, the two meeting each other as they exited the precinct.

"Sorry about last night," Chen announced, fiddling with the keychain on her bag.

"All good, I shouldn't have just left," Tim stopped, placing his hand on his thigh as he shifted on his feet.

Lucy faced him, tilting her head.

"No, you shouldn't," she teased, smiling as she continued walking toward her car. Tim followed her, making sure she entered. She rolled down her window once inside, and Bradford leaned down slightly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Boot." He smiled, walking behind her car to enter his own.

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