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4.45 AM.

It is not usual time for a human to be wild awake but for Virat midnight and day is all same.

He doesn't even remember when was the last time, he had good sleep.

Maybe when his mother was at home with him, but with her being in hospitalized for last 2 months, Virat didn't get sleep. Because this house without her is completely darkness for him, neither he has siblings or friends with whom he can have some time of relief.

His only relief at this point of time is his beloved game cricket.

Moreover today is gonna be very important for him. BCCI will announce Indian Team for upcoming tour. He hoped so badly to get into team this time. And all the things were in his favour, after amazing domestic season and ofcourse IPL he had.

This thought was making him restless, as he tossed and turned in bed, he finally decided to wake up and have a shower. After having a cold shower he started his workout.

He made his own breakfast, and after having it he turned on the TV.

Yes They were announcing Indian Team.

He listened the news carefully but it didn't mantion his name. He sighed.

"BCCI has also announced India A team for the upcoming tour and the young gun Virat Kohli is going to lead Indian Team." The news said.

He jumped in air out of excitement, he looked around but there wasn't anyone for him to celebrate this. And he knew where he needs to go.
His mother.

He rushed to the hospital in his car.

"Hello?" He picked up the call while driving the car.

"Congratulations Virat!" MS said.

"Thank you Bhai!" Virat was obviously on top of the world right now as his mentor called him to congratulate. "It means a lot" He added.

"I want you to come with Victory!" MS said.

"For Sure!" He stated.

"And let me inform you Indian A team is already in Mumbai for base camp. Join them for practice session." MS said.

"Okay Bhai and Thank you again" He said.

"I can't wait to see in Indian Team!" MS said at the end of their conversation.

"MAA!" Virat screamed as he got in his mother hospital room.

"YOU FINALLY MADE TO INDIAN TEAM" His mother said with same excitement, he hugged her mother.

"India A" He chuckled coming out from hug.

"It's big achievement!" His mother said proudly.

"Thank you" He said, sitting on chair next to bed. "I'm going to lead the team." He smiled.

"You are meant to be leader" Saroj aunty said to him while kissing his hand.

"How you doing now??" He asked her.

"Better" She stated.

"When will come home??" He asked.
"I miss you...home is not home without you" He said.

"Doctor said I will take discharge in near future." His mother stated with smile.

"He is saying that from last 2 months" He rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you getting late for practice!??" Saroj aunty said.

"O Teri!!" Virat smaked his forehead dramatically.

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