Part 2

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In the loud house.

Nicholas: Hello Leni. What are you doing?

Leni: Hi Nico. I am folding my clothes.

Nicholas: Oh great. Do you like to fold clothes?

Leni: Yes. I like to fold clothes here and at my job.

Nicholas: Good. And do you have something to do today?

Leni: Well, not really. I think I'll design new dresses.

Nicholas: Oh great. Well. Will you only design new dresses just for you?

Leni: That's right. Well, I always like to design new dresses for something special that I want.

Nicholas: Very good. Well, good luck with that. I'm going now. See you.

Leni: Bye.

In the living room.

Nicholas: Hello Lori.

Lori: Hello Nicholas.

Nicholas: What are you eating?

Lori: I'm eating popcorn.

Nicholas: Oh. Had you bought it?

Lori: Yes. Would you like to watch golf TV with me?

Nicholas: Oh sure, why not. I had never seen the golf show on TV.

Lori: Oh yeah? Look how they play. I like to play golf.

Nicholas: Wait. Do you play golf?

Lori: Yeah, sure. I have a golf team of my own.

Nicholas: Oh wow. Awesome. So you like that sport?

Lori: Yes. That sport literally caught my attention and from there I began to like it.

Nicholas: Wow. Good Lori. And did you win a prize?

Lori: Yes. There's my trophy in my tucked-away cabinet.

Nicholas: Where?

Lori: In the dining room there is a brown cabinet.

Nicholas: Let's see. Let me see, I'll be right back.

Lori: Go ahead.

Nicholas arrives and looks at Lori's trophy that she won at the golf championship.

Nicholas: Wow. It's cute.

Nicholas returns to the room.

Nicholas: Your trophy is nice. It's good that you won it.

Lory: Thank you. Now I am literally the champion of golf. Do you want popcorn?

Nicholas: Sure. I'm going to enjoy watching golf on TV to see how they play.


In Luna and Luan's room.

Luna is playing her electric guitar.

Nicholas: Hello Luna.

Luna: Hello brother. How are you?

Nicholas: Well, I've been watching TV with Lori. What are you doing rocker?

Luna: I'm practicing with my guitar.

Nicholas: Oh I see.

Luna: Sure bro. Also I'm thinking of a new song.

Nicholas: Oh great. Well.

Luna: And what are you going to do now?

Nicholas: Well I don't know. Can I play normal guitar?

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