Part 7

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The next day.

At Royal Woods Primary School.

Mrs. Johnson: Good morning class. It's time for tutoring. Who wants to start sharing today?

Nicholas: Oh oh. I have something to share. Since when you were an elementary school student, what was your favorite course?

Mrs. Johnson: Oh what an interesting and nice question Nicholas. I have two favorite courses. My favorite courses are math and science.

Nicholas: Wow, very interesting teacher Johnson. Do you know what my favorite course is?

Mrs. Johnson: What is your favorite course or what are your favorite courses?

Nicholas: My favorite courses are math, science and art.

Mrs. Johnson: Wow, nice Nicholas, same as mine. Well, including one more of yours that is Art.

Nicholas: Hahaha. Sure, Mrs. Johnson. Do you like to draw pictures?

Mrs. Johnson: Well, yes. Since I was a child I liked to draw a lot. I remember that I was fascinated by drawing pictures that I came up with some ideas. And yours do you like to draw?

Nicholas: Yes, I also love drawing.

Mrs. Johnson: Wow, great Nicholas. Amazing.

Rusty: Mrs. Johnson.

Mrs. Johnson: Yes Rusty.

Rusty: Do you ever play video games?

Mrs. Johnson: No, not really. I don't play video games.

Lincoln: Mrs. Johnson. I have something to share.

Mrs. Johnson: Yes, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Why do people wear glasses?

Mrs. Johnson: Well Lincoln, why do people wear glasses? Whether children, adolescents and adults. People wear glasses so they can see things clearly, see things up close, and see scriptures. In a sense, there are some people who wear glasses to see clearly in their eyesight, and other do not wear glasses because they have good eyesight.

Clyde: Yeah, same as me. I always wear my glasses so I can see everything clearly in my sight. When I take off my glasses, my vision will be blurry and I won't be able to see everything clearly.

Nicholas: There are also clear-sighted people, they try on glasses and then they can't see clearly and they see everything blurry. I was trying on Lincoln's little sister's glasses. My eyesight is very clear, when I tried my glasses on, my vision was very blurry.

Mrs. Johnson: Excellent guys. What a good topic they are understanding about that. All the people in the world wear glasses to see everything clearly if they don't have good eyesight and others don't wear glasses because they have good eyesight to see things clearly. In addition, there are people with good eyesight who wear glasses and then see it blurry, there are also glasses that have different types of glass for the sight of a person who wears it and if they can see everything clearly and the other sees everything blurry. Depending on what type of glasses glass is used by those with good eyesight. What an interesting topic, guys.

Daisy: Mrs. Johnson. I have something to share. What do you do on the weekends?

Mrs. Johnson: Oh what do I do on the weekends. Well, on my weekend I go to yoga class, watch TV and go for a walk. What an interesting question Daisy. What do you do on the weekends?

Lincoln: I play video games, I read comics, I watch TV, I go out with friends, I go for walks with my family and I walk the dog. I do a lot of things on the weekends.

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