Part 6

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The next day.

At Royal Woods Primary School.

Mrs. Johnson: Attention dear students. I want to introduce you to our new fifth-grade student: Daisy Powers.

The fifth graders kindly greet the new fifth grader.

Joy: Hello.

Clyde: Hello.

Molly: Hello new student.

Hassan: Hello welcome.

Jordan: Hello. How are you, Daisy?

Lincoln: Hello Daisy. Welcome to school.

Teacher Johnson: Very good. Daisy, there's a spare folder over there on the right. There take a seat.

Daisy: Okay. Thanks, teacher.

Teacher Johnson: You're welcome. Enjoy your first day of school.

Daisy sits on the folder to the left and in front of Lincoln's gang.

Stella: Hello. Are you new here at Royal Woods?

Daisy: Yes.

Stella: Nice to meet you. I am Stella.

Lincoln: I am Lincoln Loud. He is Clyde. This is Rusty, Zach, Nicholas and Liam.

Liam: Hohoho. Hello new student.

Clyde: Hello Daisy.

Nicholas: Hello. How are you?

Zach and Rusty: Hello.

Daisy: Hello. It's nice to meet you.

Stella: Welcome to Royal Woods School.

Daisy: Thank you.

Teacher Johnson: Very good students. Let's start the class.

Stella: Enjoy your first day of school.

Daisy: Thank you.

Teacher Johnson: Today we are going to do the topic of


At snack time.

In the cafeteria.

Stella: Hey Daisy. Daisy, this way.

Daisy approaches the gang in line and they pick out some food. Then they go to the table to eat.

Stella: And how's it going, Daisy? Did you like the class?

Daisy: Me very well. Yes, it was fascinating.

Clyde: Tell me. Where are you from?

Daisy: I'm from Kansas.

The gang: Wow.

Liam: And why did you move here?

Daisy: My family and I are moving to start a new adventure. I see that Royal Woods is a wonderful and good city. I had seen it for the first time on television as it is the city of Royal Woods and that is why my family and I moved to a new community.

Lincoln and Clyde: Wow.

Nicholas: Interesting. So, you moved to get a start on a new community.

Daisy: Yes.

Stella: And do you like having new friends?

Daisy: Yes, I like it.

Stella: Cool. Me too.

Daisy: Are you all friends?

Lincoln: Yes, that's right. We are united. We are from the gang.

Daisy: Wow, how interesting.

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