Part 8

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One month after.

At Royal Woods Primary School.

In tutoring time.

Mrs. Johnson: Well dear students. There are only a few weeks left to finish your last year of primary school and well, you will finish primary school and go on to secondary school. I am going to miss all of you, my dear fifth graders.

Fifth-grade students: Awwww.

Nicholas: Master Johnson. I will also miss him very much.

Lincoln: I'm going to miss you so much, Mrs. Johnson.

Clyde: I'm still going to miss him, teacher J.

Stella, Rusty, Zach, Liam, Daisy and the rest of the students: We are going to miss you, Mrs. Johnson.

Mrs. Johnson: Awww thank you, my dear fifth-grade students. What nice words. I will miss all of you too. Thank you all. Very well, before the end of a few weeks of school, I have planned what we are going to do today in the tutoring hour. Oh, and tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a super nice and special day for all of you. Tomorrow we're all going to Milkland. Before school is out, since everyone is their last school year of elementary school.

The students shout with joy.

Nicholas: Yippee. Milkland.

Lincoln: Yes!

Mrs. Johnson: Hahahaha. Wow, it's great that they were excited with joy.

Nicholas: Master Johnson. What do we do in the tutoring hour since you said that you have everything planned.

Mrs. Johnson: Great idea, Nico. What are we going to do in tutoring time today? Today, since it is the last year of primary school, you are going to make your memories drawings.

Lincoln: A drawing.

Mrs. Johnson: Yes. I'm going to hand out the blank sheets so they can draw. They can draw anyone. The drawing is for the memory of his last year of fifth-grade elementary school.

Mrs. Johnson hands out the two blank sheets of paper to the fifth-grade students.

Mrs. Johnson: Why am I handing out the two blank sheets? You have to draw on the two sheets the drawing that occurs to you. The first blank sheet is for you and the second blank sheet is for the teacher, that is, for me to keep as a souvenir drawing.

Nicholas: Oh I understand.

Mrs. Johnson: Do you have any questions?

Daisy: So on the first blank sheet that I have to draw it is for me and the second is for you so that you have it as a memory.

Mrs. Johnson: Exactly Daisy. Draw on the two sheets with your drawing that you want, but the same on both sheets. Like for example, you have drawn an apple on the two sheets. Those two that you have drawn, the first is for you and the other is for me. Do you guys understand?

The fifth-grade students already understood clearly what Mrs. Johnson said.

Mrs. Johnson: Exactly. Any other question? None? Okay, start drawing. Good luck to everyone.

Fifth graders start drawing.

Mrs. Johnson: Oh, don't forget to put your first and last name, your grade, and the teacher's name. There I will note it on the blackboard so that they fill in the data. And when they finish, they give it to me on both sheets.

Lincoln: What? Because?

Mrs. Johnson: On the first page what they are going to draw that will be theirs, they give it to me because I have to put the painting as decoration. Later I deliver them,students.

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