Part 11

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A week later.

On the weekend.


In the morning.

In the loud house.

Nicholas getting his things ready.

Lincoln: Hey bro. Are you ready to go on the day of camping?

Nicholas: Yes. I am quite ready to start this special new day. And you?

Lincoln: Me too. This day is going to get really amazing.

Nicholas: Sure. Exact. I say the same hehehe. I really like to explore in nature.

Lincoln: Good Nico. When we go, we see what is in nature.

Nicholas: Yeah, this is going to be great.

Lincoln: Excellent. Do you have all your things you need to bring?

Nicholas: Yes, I have everything. The repellent, my camera, my hat, my cell phone, my bathing clothes, the sunscreen if the sun comes out a lot, I have everything equipped.

Lincoln: Great. Excellent. It's very nice. Well, I'll go get my backpack to leave it on the sofa and I also have to go to Vanzilla to pick up my friends from their houses.

Nicholas: Okay. I'll go to the living room waiting.

Lincoln: Okay.

Nicholas speaking to the spectators.

Nicholas: Today is the day to go camping. I tell you that today I will go camping with my friends. Lincoln and I have planned the special plan of going camping to be able to enjoy this beautiful moment in nature. This is going to get amazing today. I mean this is a very special day for us. I have everything ready and I'm going down to the living room to wait for everyone to come.


In the loud house.

The gang and Rita arrived at the Vanzilla Loud. Daisy and her mom also arrived in the car.

Nicholas: They arrived. They arrived.

Nicholas leaves the house to greet his friends. Daisy gets out of the car to greet her friends as well.

Daisy: Hello. Hello friends.

Nicholas: Hi guys.

They all greet each other.

Lincoln: All complete. We high-fived each other.

They all bump hands.

Daisy: Are you ready for field day?

Lincoln: Totally ready.

Zach: Yeah.

Rusty: Sure.

Clyde: Yeah, all set.

Liam: So do I.

Stella: I'm pretty much ready to go.

Nicholas: Me too.

Daisy: Cool. I am very glad that we will all go camping and see everything in nature.

Nicholas: Cool Daisy.

Rita: Alright guys. It's time to go to the field. What vehicle are you going to go to? Mine or Mrs. Powers' car.

Daisy's Mom: Can you pick any one?


1 hour later.

The gang, Rita, and Mrs. Powers arrive at the field to camp. (In two cars)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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