Part 3

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In the loud house.

Nicholas: I finally finished my homework. Very well I'm going to save my things for Monday. (Keeping the notebooks in the backpack for Monday)

Charles: Woof. Woof.

Nicholas: Hello little friend. How are you? (stroking the dog)

Charles: Wow wow.

Nicholas: Let's see what we have here. It's a note: Nicholas, get the pink crayon that's on the table and come to my living room. Lola. Alright, here I go, thanks for the info, Charles.

Charles: Wow.

Nicholas goes down to the room and finds Lola.

Nicholas: Hello Lola. Did you call me?

Lola: Hello Nico. Yeah. Did you bring the pink crayon?

Nicholas: Yes. Here you have it.

Lola: Thank you. (Lola paints her drawing)

Nicholas: What are you drawing?

Lola: I'm drawing the rainbow. Done. How about my drawing?

Nicholas: Wow, that's really cute. Super cute with better colors than the rainbow. I love the rainbow.

Lola: Me too. Have you ever seen a real rainbow somewhere?

Nicholas: Yes, just for the first time when I was little.

Lola: Oh how cool.

Nicholas: It's impressive.

Lola: Very good. Would you like to draw a new drawing of you with me?

Nicholas: Sure. I like to draw.

Lola: Fine.

Nicholas: New paper sheet, please.

Lola: Here you go.

Nicholas: Let's see let me think I can draw. I know. (Drawing his drawing)

Lola: (Drawing her drawing)


At night.

Lynn Sr: Hello, I want to order 4 family pizzas, please.

Nicholas: Are you ordering pizza?

Lynn Sr: Yes, thank you very much. Hello son. How are you?

Nicholas: Hello Lynn. I'm hungry.

Lynn Sr: Are you hungry Nico? Don't worry my son, I already ordered pizza for everyone. He'll be here in 25 minutes.

Nicholas: Wow, super. Pizza. Just what I wanted.

Lynn Sr: What were you doing out there?

Nicholas: I was walking around. Have you seen Lana?

Lynn Sr: Lana is in the kitchen.

Nicholas: Oh thank you.

Nicholas goes to the kitchen.

Nicholas: Hey Lana.

Lana: Oh hi Nico. Excuse me, Hops is catching flies so it's clear in this kitchen.

Nicholas: Oh amazing.

Lana: Ready. All clear. Well. Do you need something?

Nicholas: Yes. I just wanted to ask you. Lincoln has told me that you know how to play video games.

Lana: Yes. Lincoln taught me to play his games and well it was fun to play. Why?

Nicholas: For curiosity. So are you already good at playing video games?

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