Part 10

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In the loud house.

Nicholas is playing video games alone.

Nicholas: Yes, I did. Level pass. I'm the best player in the world. Well, I'm going to turn it off, I already played a lot.

Nicholas turns off the video game console as he got tired of playing it.

Nicholas: Hello Lori Loud. Where are you going?

Lori: Oh hi Nico. I'm going to the mall.

Nicholas: Oh okay. Have fun.

Lori: Thank you. Hey, would you like to go for a walk with me?

Nicholas: Walking with you. Sure Lory. I would like to.

Lori: Okay, let's go.


At the mall.

Lori: We're here.

Nicholas: (Breathes and exhales) Smell the scent of the mall.

Lori and Nicholas start to walk together and look somewhere in the mall.

Nicholas: Where are we going Lori?

Lori: To Reininger's clothing store to look for some new clothes to see if I buy.

Nicholas: Oh okay. Brilliant. I also like to look at some clothes that I like. Clothes for men.

Lori: Oh great. We are already two hehehe. Do you like fashion too?

Nicholas: Well, yes. I just like to try on clothes that catch my eye. I like to get handsome and have a good style.

Lori: Wow. It's very nice.

Nicholas: Yes.

Lori and Nicholas walk into the Reininger's store.

Nicholas: Wow. Let's see if there's anything new out there.

Lori: Has the place changed a bit or do I think?

Nicholas: I don't know. I think so.

Lori: Okay. Let's go take a look.

Nicholas: Oh look. Hats.

Lori: Where?

Nicholas: Over there.

Lori: Oh. Let's go take a look.

Nicholas: Okay.

Lori: Look at this hat. It's very cute.

Nicholas: Wow, that's really cute too.

Lori: Do you like hats?

Nicholas: Yes, I do.

Lori: Oh wow. And do you see a hat that you like?

Nicholas: That's what I'm looking at. Let's see what's up. Do you also like a hat?

Lori: Well, not much.

Nicholas: Okay. Oh this hat is very beautiful. Green with blue color and costs 20 dollars. Alright. A hat of two colors, huh?

Lori: Wow, the green and blue hat resembles the color of our planet earth.

Nicholas: Hehehe. TRUE. The hat of these colors are my favorite colors.

Lori: Really?

Nicholas: Yes. I would like to have it and I want it.

Lori: I can buy it for you.

Nicholas: Really?

Lori: Yeah, sure. You are my big cute brother. I buy you.

Nicholas In Loud House (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now