Quackity Hc's

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(These Hc's are based off Las Navadas Quackity)
Quackity and you before Las Navadas were really good friends although Quackity wanted to be more and would stalk you constantly you didn't know that, but since Quackity had such power and authority in Navadas this is when things started to go down hill.
He started following you around more and more, giving you different jobs to keep you in Las Navadas and when anybody would seem too friendly with you he was shooing them away, his clingyness started to get overwhelming.
You started to distance yourself from him as best as possible and Quackity noticed this. He set you up for a late night shift and gave you no way of getting out of it, you thought it was one of his attempts to get closer to you, you had no idea what the night had in store.
Your shift had finally ended and you could finally go home you closed up the place you were working at put your coat on a started walking home, but why were all the street lights in Las Navadas off? Probably nothing, just as you were about to leave Las Navadas you heard russling of feet behind you that you knew for a fact wasn't your own, you stopped in your tracks turnt around and there was Quackity standing in front of you.
"Oh! Hey.. Big Q.." You said nervously, but Quackity just stood there smiling at you and then you noticed it, why is Quackity holding a random cloth in his hand? And a needle? This creeped you out a lot but before you could say anything he put the cloth over your mouth and stabbed the needle into your neck, the last you remember was seeing Quackitys dark smile hovering over you.
Quackity is very open about how obsessed he is about you now that he had you in a house in Las Navadas, he talks about how he followed you around for years at a time showing you pictures he took of you in your sleep. All while you were tied down to a bed in a creepy looking, basement?
Before he let you out of the basement he made you sign a contract bounding you to Las Navadas forever, if you were to escape you were brought straight back by either Quackity or Sam.
Quackity loves you but he isn't afraid to drug you if your miss behaving a little needle to knock you out ought to stop you from acting up. If you don't stop after that he drugs you to make you tired and sleepy and locks you in a cold room with nothing but a bed with a thin mattress one pillow and a thin blanket, one dimly lit light and a little side room for a toilet, he doesn't feed you. If you wanna piss him off you can starve till your begging and crying him to let you out, sometimes he doesn't even let you out of you really pissed him off he'll just stand at the door and say "A little longer mi amor.."
If your behaving well for him then well done! He's constantly around you praising you and most importantly spoiling you rotten, expensive jewelry and clothes, or anything you want he gives you, the gift giving can be intense but he doesn't care he just loves seeing you smile it's all he wants for you to be happy.
If you do try isolating yourself from him then he follows you around all confused begging you to tell him what's wrong, when you continue you your isolation from him, he starts spoiling you even more hoping you'd stop, he starts suffocating you in effection, cuddles, kisses, hugs you name it and if that doesn't work he's started getting worried and worked up shouting at you in Spanish calling you names "¡Estás actuando como una puta puta completa!" eventually he stops trying he just sits there and gives you all his love anyway. It would be best not to fight back with him at this time because then he just starts screaming in Spanish and if you push him too far he might even end up slapping you.
Although he really dislikes it when you isolate yourself he hates it when you cry it's his biggest weakness, he's instantly at your side hugging and cuddling you trying to make you laugh even, apologising for whatever he did trying find out why your upset, he's cursing under his breath in Spanish trying to stop your tears from falling from your beautiful eyes, he's willing to do anything for you just stop crying.
If you were to shout at Quackity he'll just curse you out in English or Spanish he's not going to be the cuddly big Q you love if your shouting at him but if you were to scream at him this is where he starts loosing his patience with you, if your not calming down he'll either slap you across your face walking away talking to himself in Spanish or knock you out with drugs and leave you there while he calms down he has no patience to put up with your bullshit.
If you wanted to do something and Quackity said no, if you can all you need to do is start crying, act as if he's really upset you, he's starts panicking and apologising, hell he'd even let you outside for a walk if you started to cry, once he hears those pained sobs leave your mouth and a simple "But.. I really want to Q.." it's anything you want and a load of effection.
Your safety is a HUGE thing for big Q he needs you safe at all times locked up and away from the dangerous world, if someone were to threaten your safety in Quackity eyes then there dead. He would tie his victims down and dismember them, but he would dismember them alive. Once he's finished doing his dirty work he sells the body parts online for money to spoil you with, Quackity would rather make sure no one knows he's cutting people up and selling them for profit but he has lost his shit once or twice with someone and stabbed them harshly and just left them lying about.
When this rare occasion happens he comes home drenched in blood and sits there next to you staying how much he wants to rip someone's heart out for just merely looking at you, he'll go into depth as well about his old victims if he wants to.
Overall Quackity is a very obsessed yandere he knows everything about you and your likes and dislikes purely because of how much time he had to stalk you he believes that you his lover and not one person can sway him on his thoughts on it he's one of the hardest to escape from because he's mostly driven by keeping you safe which means keeping you locked away but he's a sucker for you and just wants some love at the end of the day

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