Sapnap Hc's

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It's time for Sapnap to shine yipee!

TRIGGER WARNING: All the usual yandere stuff of course like death and kidnapping ect, as well as forced affection, burning n shit


Sapnap pumped into you one day on the prime path, he had been going on a walk to clear his head on all the current wars going on with L'manburg and he just needed air and breather. He apologised and introduced himself and so did you, you had no idea this would be your future captor and obsessive partner.
Sapnap was content for a very long while ,he enjoyed your company and you seemed to enjoy his as well, he would get jealous a lot but it was okay because you were easy to distract and get your attention back on him so that pleased him. But eventually him being clingy started to irritate you and you began to avoid him for time to yourself and friends, it took Sapnap a couple days but he soon clocked onto what you were doing. He tried his best to keep his composure and not let himself be taken over by rage of your sudden avoidance of him but every time he saw you with a person that wasn't him his possession over you only grew.

Sapnap did finally decide to capture you after he failed to get you to hang around him like you used to, in his head you two were already together and he couldn't handle that just not being true he also seemed to have this mindset that you were his and only he could have you no one else was better for you but him. So he hatched his plan, he didn't want to scare you so he took you in the middle of the night in your sleep he carried you all the way to the place he spent ages for you guys to stay and finally be together forever at. Sapnap did stalk you for awhile to find out what you liked so he could make sure your guys new home was perfect. He thought when you would wake up in your new home he'd confess his love to you and how he took you because he loved you so much! But that's just not what happened you kicked off screaming and shouting calling him "Crazy" and "Sick" 

Sapnap is a very touchy lover, he loves you hugs and affection and even if you don't want it he's happy to give it anyway, he's a huge softie for you and loves you endlessly. Since he was born in the Nether his body heat can be REALLY warm so he's good for cuddles, he likes having you in his bed spooning him being big spoon of course and kissing your neck and giving you praise.

Although Sapnap is a huge teddy we can admit he might just have a tad bit of anger issues, littles things you do wrong can piss him off easily like if you don't get out of bed as fast as he wants you to, or if you don't eat the food he's made up for you. He gets very shouty and demanding and threatens you a lot. "If you don't ____ I'll! ___!" Sort of threats, and most of times they are empty threats to get you to do what he wants in the way he wants it but, they are times on a bad day when you push him a little too far those threats become a reality.

Sapnap's punishments aren't as bad as the other yanderes but they definitely are not fun. Most of the time it's just verbal abuse, him shouting and calling you different names. But there is the odd occasion where if he is mad enough at you that man will burn you with a lighter, he looses his control in his rage and is just focused on teaching you a lesson so sometimes he will burn you and you still have the scars to this day.

The home Sapnap has set up for you guys to live is very secure locks on every door and window, the toughest glass he could find and they are tinted as wall so it is REALLY hard to escape. But if you were to escape 100% you would be found and dragged back and the consequences will not be fun at all. Sapnap would be absolutely livid with you for escaping, he is not going to be a nice sweet "Sappy" he tries to be for you. He ties you down anywhere in the house he's not all that bothered in the moment, and says stuff like "Since your still not aware who your stuck with I might as well make sure your reminded everyday." And then he'll proceed to burn his initials into your skin.
Sapnap doesn't take kindly to you shouting at him either, if you shout at him easy answer is that he's shouting back at you and you two will end up in a argument that to outsiders looks like two children fighting. He ends up storming off in a huff leaving you alone where ever you are and comes back hours later to cuddle up and muffle a quite "sorry" into your neck.
He burns his victims, of course he does so it's pretty easy for other people to find out who's killing all the people. Sapnap doesn't really care if people suspect or find out he's killing people or if they know he has you hostage. He has links to Dream no sane person is going to try pry into the situation so anyone who does try and interfere is as good as dead.

Although sapnap is a little crazy with the whole yandere thing he's a softie at heart and just wants to love you and have you love him back, he's protective and most definitely obsessed with you. The man is completely smitten for you and doesn't care about your opinion on it.

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