°Karl Hc's°

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I thought it would be nice to have a sweet Karl after the Dream Hc's


Okay let's get one thing straight Karl LOVES you like borderline obsession, this man is prepared to die if your safety were to be put In danger.
He met you after Sapnap introduced him to you, and when I say Karl eyes lit up. Everything about you, your energy, kindness, how bubbly you were Karl was as he likes to call it "Love at first sight."
Karl literally just threw himself into your life, everywhere you went he was there. He was constantly trailing after you around the server like a lost puppy or a puppy following it's owner.
He helped you with everything and anything, he was always just so cuddly and touchy person. You couldn't help but like Karl he was the sweetest little bundle of joy.
And Karl liked you too very much. He kept tabs on you everywhere you went, he had a little note book to note down things you did in a day or week and jotted down your weekly routines. And make no mistake he was in your house when you thought he wasn't there. He littered little cameras around your house, and when he was in a little silly mood he'd take your stuff home with him.
Like a very classic yandere I see Karl having like a picture wall of you but it's in his notepad, he's very obsessed with you and your safety.
And Karl was content for a long long while, you showed signs of liking him back and you had no clue of his little stalker behaviours everything was going really well.
Untill you started getting yourself into trouble, putting yourself in battles and wars, the more you became popular within the server, the more people would let's say get too close to you.
Now Karl does think that your only his partner but he isn't possessive possessive, he's just extremely protective, obsessed and can get jealous really easily. This usually leads to him killing the people but because of you continuing to put your life in constant danger he decided to take you.
He knew that you weren't going to be happy with the idea but he needed you safe he had to make sure of it and he wanted to make sure no one was getting in between him and his precocious darling.
And if you thought the effection was bad enough before he kidnapped you, then oh boy are you in for a ride, because it doesn't matter where you are and how mad you are at him he will always follow you around the house and will ALWAYS find a way to touch you. Wether it be full blown cuddling kissing and hugging you tight or a simple holding your hand, his hand on your waist or his arms around you waist, hand on your thigh, hand tangled in your hair, cupping your face or linked arms. This man will always find a way.
Karl doesn't like seeing you upset badly, which means punishments are mainly easy but that doesn't stop them from being annoying a bit, Karl doesn't lock you away or hurt you no, that will upset you too much, so he usually stops you from getting your own food or drinks. Now this may seem nice at first but it does kinda get annoying he does this to make you relie on him more. He would also take away fun hobbies he'd let you do in the house as well as taking away your blankets and pillows so you have so snuggle up to him for comfort and warmth.
I think we all know that Karl's love is very suffocating, and you will most likely want a break from it most of the time by isolating yourself, but that doesn't work. He just follows you around and gives you no space the more you refuse his love the more he clings there's just no point really, he's confused yeah, but he just sees it as you not being used to the situation.

If you were to cry, Oh my god it would feel like somebody just sent a thousand knives through Karl's heart. He just overly upsets him, he cries at first and may seem as upset as you are, but eventally collects himself and goes to make you feel better. He sits you down on his lap facing him and just pepers your face In kisses, on your nose,lips,cheeks,forehead, everywhere. This makes you feel better and honestly make you gigle due to the sensation of him kissing you all over, it's really effective (Little genius.) He starts complimenting you and praising you to make you feel better.
If you were to shout at Karl I'd think he'd be really confused at first and try calming you down as best as he can and if that doesn't work he starts to panic and cry, if you don't stop shouting after he starts crying then it's just a bit of a shit show really. Your shouting, Karl is panicked and is crying all while trying to calm you down and himself, he usually just ends up hugging you so tightly it feels like he could snap a bone in you. He does this to attempt to calm you down but mainly to stop yourself from getting worse and hurting him or God forbid you end up hurting yourself, he ends up calming himself down doing this as well so it's a win win in his eyes.
And if you scream at Karl he'd definitely be as confused and panicked but it wouldn't show really. He just stands there tears swelling in his eyes looking at you in disbelief, he's keep watching you making sure you weren't hurting yourself and once you were done he'd slowly approach you and embrace you and that's when he let's the tears fall, the amount he cries after this just makes YOU panicked and feel guilty so you start apologising.
Karl as I said gets jealous very easily and is very protective of you, probably one if the most protective of them all. So the way he deals with his pests is he just drowns them, he hasn't got time for all this he has to get back to his darling and make sure your okay and content. He doesn't flaunt his murders to the outside world but he may snap at you in a argument and use it against you how he "killed for you."
If you wanted something of Karl then usually he gives it you to be fair but if he possibly says no, just hug him and seem upset, cling onto him and beg for it sadly he can't stand you being upset at him so he softens up and let's you do as you please with him observing and making sure you don't get hurt.

I think over all Karl is just a protective puppy who is obsessed and brutally stalks you nothing wrong there, right?

I just wanted to add here I'm so sorry for not posting in ages I've been very busy but I've got loads of hc's in mind for you guys you look forward to.

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