~George Hc's~

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It's goggy time AYYYY,  I am genuinely so sorry for the inactivity, I had an INSANE amount of personal family issues but I'M BACK BABY!!

anyways enjoy my loves <3


George found you wondering around the SMP one day hanging around with Quackity, curious and needing Quackity for something anyway he went up to you guys. He introduced himself to you and he felt something inside of him that day it confused him since he had never felt it before, but he never disliked it either.


George really liked your personality too, you were shy and didn't talk much you just enjoyed your friends presence. George was not very talkative either, until he met you of course. He was a little chatterbox around you, he mainly was asking ALOT of questions about you, but you had no idea that at the end of the day George would go home and write everything he found out about you down.


And needless to day George was absolutely infatuated with you, he wrote down every detail about you down to the little things. He followed you mainly when you didn't know and just watched. That was his main thing he just kinda watched you all the time, yeah he'd write down every single thing about you but he also just watched. George knew all the normal stuff like your appearance, personality ect. And of course he knew your friends and family, well I say knew he actually just stalked them as well. And he wrote down every little detail about your friends and family too! :)


George has cameras in your house as well, to keep tabs on you and of course just to watch you. George didn't really understand it himself but he couldn't help this need to watch and stalk you, he brought it down to a deep love for you and an extreme need of having to make sure your safe but still even after that he didn't quite understand as to why he felt like this. And eventually George didn't just want to watch you from a far anymore he needed to watch you up close for all hours he was awake.


So George came up with his master plan, he'd knock you out with a bat and just take you. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING DAY. Granted his plan probably wasn't the best, but it still somehow worked, you woke up just on his couch and he was in the kitchen cleaning some dishes until he heard you shuffle and came in to see you


He honestly didn't know what to expect from, you were extremely confused at first you were literally just walking around the SMP planning on seeing sapnap then you blacked out and now your in Georges house and your head feels like you just ran head first through 10 walls. You had never actually been in Georges house so you kinda just blinked looking around his front room, he had a weird amount of photos in frames. And the closer you looked at these photos you then noticed.. All of these photos were of you...In your house, outside, in your sleep. You then began to panic you shot straight up and your first instinct was just just yell. 


"What the fuck is this about!? Why do you have photos of me in my fucking sleep!!?" You yelled, you then started to stray for the door but you didn't get there, you were knocked out before you could even get close to the door.

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