°Wilbur Hc's°

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Wilbur as a character in general is pretty crazy but add love sickness, obsession and a lot of possession we get a very unstable yandere wilbur
Wilbur met you when you were new to the server a few months before the election and as soon as he laid eyes on you he was very intrigued by you.
He instantly had you in L'manburg and got the base lines of friendships and curiosity soon turned into obsession
He started following you around even when you thought he wasn't there sneaking around your house and stalking you taking notes of your activities and your daily routine and adapting his to see you more often.
But after he lost the election his lovesickness only increased as he not only lost the election and L'manburg but he also lost you.
Schlatt wanting to get a last dig at Wilbur took you away and under his wing into Manburg like he did with Tubbo this enraged Wilbur. How dare someone as pathetic as Schlatt take away what was HIS?
This is where Wilburs possessiveness came into play and Tommy and the others in pogtopia quickly realised that Wilburs "crush" wasn't that at all but was borderline obsession and lovesickness
This is when Wilbur decided to take you away not only to have you as his once and for all but to keep you safe, Jschlatt was dangerous and he couldn't have his darling in danger, no that just wouldn't do.
Wilbur is also quite touch starved as well he needs you by him at all times even on his bad days which means you usually have the out lash of his bad days as well.
Wilburs love can be quite suffocating at times and if you tried isolating yourself from him it just doesn't work he drags you back from where you were to where he is, he needs you with him or he gets all irritated and twitchy sort tampered and dangerous.
Wilbur isn't exactly patient either if he asks you for cuddles and kisses for your sake just comply. If you refuse he'll ask you again once. If you don't listen after that then he grabs you by you hand, wrist or arm, and if you pull away? He drags you to where he wants by your hair. If you want to be a bitch and disobey him then he'll be a bitch back.
With Will having you by his side 24/7 this makes punishments extremely unfun. Depending on the severity of the situation like if you were to; isolate yourself or shout at him, he would have you in a bone crushing cuddle and will begin to degrade you nit picking at your insecurities and tearing you down emotionally. "Your so fucking pathetic y/n and I have to deal with you every single day." "your nothing to me. " "You act like a bitch all the time. " "You disgust me."
But if you were to lash out at him, hitting him attempt to escape or actually escape that's when Will gets physical taken over by anger and rage he pushes you around the place shouting and slapping and if you were to dare shout back or fight back? He'll hold you down as he traces long deep cuts into you delicate skin taking in every scream, cry or whimper.
Although Willbur enjoys your cries and screams during a punishment it pains him to hear your sobs when they are caused by him outside of a punishment or by somone or something else. He's at your side (ofc) and whether you like it or not he has you in his hold cooing sweet nothings into your ear saying how much he loves you and how everything will be fine. "I love you so much." "just focus on my voice." "everything is going to be okay darling" it's very hard to fight back with him when he's got you in his hold whispering such sweet things into you ears, he's such a sweet gentlemen if you let him be.
Like I said Will is very possessive he has it in his head that you are his and his only. And if someone dare interfere with his delusions? Well the out come won't be very pretty.
He'll have his victim In a badly lit room far away from people so they don't accidentally come across the body tied down to a chair by not only ropes and chains but explosives. But before he gets to that he wants to have some fun first, he'll leave gashing cut wounds into the victim making them scream out in agony begging for mercy but Wilbur will just simply smiles leans into their ear and whispers "shouldn't have messed with what's mine." and with that he straightens up leaves the room walks away and blows them up.
Even though most of the time Wilbur blows his victims up far away and out of chance of being seen he will rarely leave him victim out in the open as a warning not to mess with him or his darling and also a mark on you.
Although Wilbur is quite unstable and definitely up there with some of the worst yandere he's not all bad. If you let him he'll be an absolute gentlemen lots of praises kisses and cuddles if you behave well for him, he loves having you in his hold both of you covered by a comfy blanket on the couch watching TV as he kisses your cheek giving you praise from time to time.
if you wanted Wilbur to do something that he wasn't 100% happy with and he needed a little bit of convincing all you would need to do is cuddle up to him placing kisses on his face and lips that would soften him up but if you wanted to finish him off well then you need to give him the puppy eyes and call him "Wilby" how could he resist such a cute beautiful person looking up at him with those puppy eyes cuddling and kissing him and calling him Wilby? Simple answer, he can't. He'll break.
Over all Wilbur is a obsessed and possessive yandere and definitely not one to be messed with even though he can be abusive he loves you and wants you safe.


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