Nicknames and kisses

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A little warning before hand, this is a draft and I'm continuing this on the 23rd of April. Obviously there is a lot of stuff that has happened in the MCYT community since I started this book, I would like to let people know I will be continuing writing about Wilbur and George. I don't support any bad actions that have been brought forward to the fandoms attention by the brave victims, I do this because this book has always been strictly fictional and never about the true content creators but about the character they played while the DSMP was still active. I think the characters should be completely separated from the content creators themselves, and that is what I plan on doing with the future of this book. A side note, I have gotten into K-dramas and Stray Kids a lot recently so don't be surprised if you see new books come out about those topics. Enjoy (P.S WATCH BLOOD HOUNDS ITS AN AMAZING NETFLIX SHOW!!)

This is basically what nicknames the yanderes call you and they're favourite way to kiss you

Warnings!: Slight mentions of abuse and lovesickness (but mainly fluff <3)

"Darling" He likes the classic stuff, he thinks it's sweet. "loves" Not my love or love it's "loves". He loves neck kisses, mainly receiving them but he loves giving his darling neck kisses as well. He also loves to kiss you on the lips and quickly slip his tongue into your mouth and feel you squirm.

Quackity: "Mi amore." Of course, he's Spanish and loves to call you it. "Baby." Kind of cringey but he thinks it's endearing, he mainly only uses this when he looking for you or calling. "Baby? where are you Mi amore?" For example, as for kisses he is a sucker for long lip to lip kisses. He loves small kisses traced along his jawline too, he is smitten for jawline kisses.

Dream: "Mine." He's possessive what can I say? "Darlingg~" He does this when your hiding from him because he's scaring the fuck out of you it's like when he calls Georges name in manhunt. And small versions of your name, easy example if your called Isabella he'd call you "Bella" or "Bell" for the boys too: Asher would be "Ash" and my non binary people too: Jace would be "Jacey" or "Ace" And for kisses, hickeys. All over, he doesn't care where he just loves to see you covered in the marks he caused, it's a major plus if you enjoy it too and when you do it back.

"My love." Sweetest nickname from the sweetest boy "Prince/Princess." He LOVES to call you this as long as your comfortable with it, he sees you as royalty so to have a nickname he can call you that fits the way he see's you is amazing for him. "Sunshine." He likes to kiss the tip of your nose, sudden and passionate lip kisses both giving and receiving! Loves to be kissed at the top of his head too, makes him feel loved.

Niki: "Darling" Like Wilbur Niki enjoys the classic things, and with that soft German accent of hers I don't see you complaining. "Sweetheart/Sweetest." She thinks your the sweetest that why she has you locked up in the first place, she has to protect you of course! Niki is a gentleman she likes to give you kisses at the top of your hand, she loves to get short but sweet lip to lip kisses off her darling. When she's feeling confident she likes to give you neck kisses too.

George is quite the shy yandere he doesn't always have that much confident to be all cutesy with you even though he is completely obsessed with you, but when he does have his confidence his main two for nicknames are "Love" and "Baby." Likes to give you surprising quick pecks on the cheek and then turn away as if he didn't do anything, he would never ask for it but he would loved to be kissed by you.

He is definitely one of the most confident yanderes on this list, "Handsome/beautiful." "Darling." and "Mine." He uses these more then your actual name he just has a soft spot for it I guess. Like Dream he is a sucker for hickeys, he loves to give and have some himself off his lover, kisses all around the face.

Fundy: Fundy our furry boyy!! He loves to call you "Dear" "Mijn liefje" Meaning "My love" In Dutch. <3 Fundy loves to give you soft and gentle kisses all around your neck and collar bone leaving some light hickeys too, he enjoys long passionate kisses off his darling too. Likes when you kiss his ears too. ;)

Jshlatt: "Pumpkin." I mean come on, we all knew this is his go-to he also likes to call you "Bear" for some reason. THIGH KISSES!!!! This man is OBSESSED with your thighs, he loves to softly (or roughly) kiss your thighs. Also full make out sessions, this man is no joke. When he's drunk he's all over you showering you in kisses and marks, both hickeys and bruises, whoopsies.

Jack: "Honey" and "Sweetheart" he can be an absolute heartthrob when he puts his mind to it, he says it in such a soft and gentle voice too he's amazing at comforting people when he wants to. Playful neck kisses and short but sweet lip kisses, he likes to pull you in for a hug then gently press kisses onto your neck.

Technoblade <3: "Dear" "Darling" and of course "Prince/Princess." It's not everyday he calls you by nicknames but he's still fond of it, he likes to kiss the top of your head while your sat with him while he reads to you. I see you suddenly kissing him on the lips and then hiding in a different part of the house leaving him frozen in shock and falling more in love with you. His voices were quiet for about a week after that.

Charlie: "Special human" He's trying his hardest, I could see him learning that "Special human" isn't the best thing to call the person you love and would settle with honey. He likes it because it's sticky. ;-; Charlie doesn't really know how to kiss properly so he'll just come up to the side of you and kiss your cheek and go "MWAH!!!" as he does, he explains that: "It's what they do in the movies."

Eret: "Dear/Dearie" He does this in a very posh voice as he calls out for you, they also likes royal nicknames. They would grab your attention by gently grabbing your chin and kissing you on the lips, and kissing the back of your neck too, kissing up your arm. Eret just loves you and wants to make sure you feel loved by his kisses.


"Woman/Man/Human" He does this when he wants your attention, he'd never ask for it directly of course because that's clingy behaviour and TommyInnit is 100% not clingy (He is.) Kissing one of your shoulders while he's got you in a hug, this is rare for him to do and mainly only does it when he's comforting you

Tubbo: "Sunshine" and "Honey" of course because it reminds him of bee's, he loves bee's and you. Tubbo is not much of a physical person and would much rather show you his care and love for you through spending time and doing things for you, so I could only see him giving you a kiss if he thought you desperately needed it for comfort reasons. Would peck you on your forehead and ask you to stop being upset because it upsets him too.

Ranboo: "Star" and "Sunshine" They says that you light up their life, so why wouldn't they call you those nicknames? Ranboo can be quite affectionate and loving in physical touch, they love to wrap you up in hugs then kiss the top of your head to show how much they love you.

We back baby >:) 

Hope everyone is doing well after everything that has happened in the fandom recently 

Big hugs from Fern! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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