Niki Hc's

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Niki!! my beloved


All the usual stuff my lovelies 

Enjoy! <3


Niki had met you after the whole pogtopia vs Manburg thing when she was lonely and broken, she felt abandoned by everyone she cared about. She lost Wilbur, she lost the original love she had for L'manburg, she had lost it all really. Then you came along, you gave her that happiness and feeling of belongness she thought she had lost long ago. You were warm and kind, you were innocent to the horrors of the SMP.


As time went on Niki began more obsessed with you and your safety, she got jealous and irritated easily if she found out you were hanging out with anyone else other than her. She began to stalk you everyday keeping tabs on you and what you were doing, she felt bad but she just had to make sure you were safe and weren't getting "Mixed up with the wrong people." Eventually she couldn't take it her desires just kept creeping up on her, she needed to have you to herself and she need to have you by her to protect your innocence.


When Niki finally snapped under the fear of loosing you to the SMP she snuck into your house when you were sleeping and drugged you to make sure you weren't going to wake up while she took you somewhere you would be finally safe. She had you cuffed you the bed when you woke up, she didn't want to but she couldn't risk you trying to leave and hurt yourself. Obviously you freaked out when you woke up cuffed to a bed that wasn't yours seeing Niki watching you sleep with a camera in her other hand, though she didn't loose her cool she sat down next to you and explained everything.

"I'm so sorry my darling, you have to understand that this world is too dangerous for you. Your too good for all of them out there, they were trying to take you away from me. Don't cry please sunshine, don't you understand? This is all to keep you safe because I love you so much." She would wipe away your tears and hold you close even if you didn't want it, she was really good at keeping herself calm throughout all of this. The first few days she kept you in cuffs or tied by rope for safety.

Niki is very a physical person, she wants to hug and kiss you all the time! Though she does understand it if you don't want to be smothered, she would give you space and try her best to hold back and give you that space you ask for. She would be upset since she loves making sure her partner knows she loves them through cuddles and kisses, but she knows ignoring your requests of space would only make it harder for you to accept your new life here.


Although Niki is very loving, she doesn't want you trying to escape she has you here so nobody can hurt you that objective is not going to work if your trying to go head first into the danger by escaping. She would be extremely upset but she would never hurt you no matter how mad you got her, the worst she could ever do to you is drug you which is what she does in these types of situations. Niki mostly catches you red handed trying to escape so this is when she drugs you, and needle in the neck with some anaesthesia and holds you close to her on the floor as you slowly go to sleep.

"I know it's scary sunshine, I promise it'll all be okay when you wake up. I love you so much my love."

She would whisper into your ear as you fell unconscious and once you would wake up she would have a your favourite drink in hand and if you allowed her would snuggle up to you while you calmed down.


If you were to try and isolate yourself from Niki for one she would be heart broken, she loves you so much and it hurts to see you ignore her, she would try and speak to you first and get you to open up over what was bothering you. If that didn't work she would be very clearly upset but would leave you be with food and plushies, she would wait as long as you needed and if you every needed her she would be there in a second. 


When it comes to killing people Niki has ZERO mercy, this woman may look cute and not able to do any harm but that's what she uses to advantage. Niki will just stab and stab all over the body, she likes to stab the eyes as well and after the person is dead she will force their mouth open and stab over and over in the mouth. The she'll just leave that body in the open because everybody on the SMP underestimates her and if there were to be anybody suspecting her she has the syndicate to help her out.


When you misbehave Niki is actually super easy going on you, the thing she does is paralyze you with sort of drug and leave you tied up in your room. She leaves the house and cools down from whatever you were doing to annoy her and when she comes back she's all loving again helping you out and cuddling you until your finally able to move again, it freaks you out and some how manages to keep you under control from how much it freaks you out.


Like I said Niki is very easy going on due to her love for you, but there can be times where she says no to you, like if you wanted to go outside and she wasn't happy with the idea because maybe she thought it was too dangerous. You can easily soften her up to the idea if you start talking about cute things you can do while you guys are out like making flower crowns and dance in fields, if you feed her cute ideas like that she will eventually crack.
Over all Niki is a very sweet and loving person, she is definitely one of the easier yanderes to end up stuck with, the drugging is quite freaky but she truly does love you and will do anything to make sure you happy, safe and content.

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