°Dream Hc's°

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Its time for a little bit of Dream up in here (buckle up bc this shit gonna get real)

If you end up with Dream as your yandere then my dear I'm so very sorry because this man is possession GALORE. This man thinks that he owns you and can do whatever he pleases with you because of that (not like that you animals💀)
First off Dream met you when you first joined the SMP and by this time he had lost his friends that were closest to him, but you, you were always so nice, giving him a polite wave kind conversations, you treated him as if he wasn't a abusive manipulative crazy child torturer, and Dream liked to keep it that way.
He kind of isolated you from everyone at the start, he was the first person to know about you and once he realised how nice you were he decided to try keep you to himself as much as possible. But people did start finding out about you but this didn't stop dream from isolating you from the others.
Dream then realised that he wanted you all to himself, his thoughts of you having a friend apart from him let alone a crush or a partner enraged him he began to think you were his and nobody elses, he would follow you around the SMP helping you out with stuff and would try prying into who you have as friends, and if you did open up and dream thought you and this friend were too close they would just mysteriously disappear
Then you found out who Wilbur and Tommy was and you started going on about how friendly Tommy was and even though you didn't think of Wilbur in a romantic sight Dream thought Wilbur was trying to take you away from him, take away what was his.
Dreams reaction to this news did not go well he got shouty with you saying how they were dangerous bad people to be hanging around with and he asked you- no he ordered you to not hang around with them.
But you didn't listen to him, you kind of did it out of spite of how he treated you in that moment, you stopped being friends with him really. You started ignoring him and avoiding his company on the SMP, and dream is no idiot he saw this and knew you were ignoring him not only did this piss him off it was the the thing that tipped him over the edge to finally take you.
Dream is a VERY tough starved person, everyone began to be too afraid to touch him, so it's CONSTANT hugs and cuddles it is extremely suffocating even on a bad day, heck I'd say the effection is worse on a bad day because all his wants to do his cuddle his darling.
But he dislikes it when you refuse his love, he gets mad and will raise his voice at you, and he really doesn't like it when you isolate yourself he starts acting like a big child who's mum just told him no to getting sweets, screaming and shouting calling you some of the horrible names out there if you continue it will end up with the house being trashed because of how angry he got, eventually you just got sick and tired of his shouting and him trashing the house so you go over and let him give you his effection.
Dreams punishments have such a scale and they can change and go from 1 to a 100 In a matter of seconds, let's say of you were to shout/scream at him in a argumentative tone he will just shout back at you and lock you away hardly feeding you and not letting you out until you are begging and I mean begging to be let out. But good god if you were to hit him (fight back) attempt to escape or possibly actually escape the punishments can go from actual beatings to carving shit into your skin and he'll just leave you there locked away in the cold basement with untreated wounds, and them when he let's you out its all praise again "Awh..you poor thing.. Let's get you all cleaned up my love.. ~"
It can be very manipulative, going from literally beating you to praising you and cuddling you and smothering you in love and effection, and some days he'll rip it away just as easy to get you wrapped around his finger, very manipulative.
I want to add here Dream will take away the right to do the most normal things without his permission, for example if you wanted to; eat, sleep, have a drink possibly might go as far as take a shower and if he says no, then your not doing it and you better accept the answer.
But like all the others dreams not always bad, behave well for him and you'll get constant praise, he might even over spoil you a bit getting things that you want, doing activities that you like and MAYBE just maybe if you keep a REALLY good streak of listening to him and doing as he says and you gain his trust he MIGHT let you out on a tiny walk here and there in the garden, but you'll be cuffed to him so.
Dream loves hearing your cries yelps and painful screams during a punishment, but he definitely doesn't like to hear you cry outside of a punishment, he'll be mostly confused. Why are you crying? He's not punishing you, so why cry? He'll walk over to you try get it out of you what's wrong, then if he thinks it's necessary he'll let you sit by an open window rubbing circles on your back and saying sweet things he thinks you'll like to hear "Your doing so well Y/n/n." "focus on the air" "I love you so much"

If you scream at him, to be honest it annoys him. He has a lot to deal with can't you see he doesn't want you screaming on top of that? But eventually after a long bitch face stare he'll walk over to you and give you a hug. It surprises you quite a lot and his tight grip on you seems like a warning almost so you just stop and let him hug you.
Dream with being really possessive has killed a lot of people thinking they've gotten to close to you or threatened your safety. But Dreams way of killing his victims is just down right brutal. He either has them tied up or tied down to a tree, and he will just stab and stab and stab once he's satisfied with the stabbing hell start carving smiley faces into there skin and cutting the corners of their mouth to make them look their smiling (full on joker style) and will also draw a smiley face out their blood on the tree/floor. And he doesn't attempt to clean that shit up one bit, in fact he sometimes brings the bloody knife home to you almost showing it off as a trophy and if he's in a bad mood with you he'll threaten you with the same knife smearing the victims blood on your face.
He does this as his marking, every body kinda put the pieces together you know? With all of your friends going missing and then you go missing and dream starts killing a bunch of people. They don't try to help you not because they don't want to, no it's because they're too afraid of Dream💀
Over all Dream is a very possessive and protective yandere not to mention the manipulation, but besides all that he loves you very very much I mean he kills for you. He loves putting you in his green hoodie and snuggling up to you watching movies.

PHEW. this was a long one ladies, lads and my non-binary royalties.
Hope you enjoyed it :D.

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