Chapter 13

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Taking a tentative step into the hallway, listening intently for voices, hearing Logan talking, and I follow his voice.

Stopping outside the kitchen when I hear Logan tell his mom; "I already screwed up with Braelin this morning. He was lightly whining about me telling him he does not need to help, and I got firm with him, and he cried. I feel horrible for making him cry, and he promised to be good and quiet, and I do not want him to feel he has to be like this with me."

"Son, I am making a guess here with what I am about to say, but I think he might be a 'Little', a Submissive, or both," Mrs. Noble says. "So, if any of these are correct, then you have to tread lightly with him until you both are comfortable with each other, in your relationship, and the dynamics of this."

I wonder how she knows any of this? Did Logan tell his parents he is training to be a Dom, and that I am a 'Little'?

"We are a part of the BDSM lifestyle, but we are not as active since Shelbie was born," Mr. Noble softly says from just behind my left shoulder causing me to jump, and my entire body burns with shame from being caught eavesdropping.

"Hey, you are alright, Braelin," he assures with a soft voice as he places a gentle hand on my shoulder as he moves to stand in front of me. "They are discussing something that happened between you and Logan. He came to me for advice which I gave him, along with telling him to talk to his mom."

"But I made Logan feel horrible, and I did not mean too. I was being a brat, so he had every right to be upset with me," I sniffle, trying not to cry. "I am not good for your son, he deserves a good Sub and 'Little.' I am already screwing up our relationship."

"I am not upset with you, Braelin," Logan states from behind his dad. "You are too good for me actually, not the other way around. You did not screw anything up between us. We learn and grow everyday, and we will do this together."

Sniffling as I cannot bring myself to even look at him, so I just remain silent.

"Come with me, love," Logan whispers, taking me by the hand to lead me back to his bedroom, and shuts the door behind us.

He gently requests for me to look at him as we sit down the edge of the bed. Slowly bringing my head up to look over at him shyly with a soft; "Yeah?"

"Baby boy, what I said in the hallway is true," he firmly states, and I silently nod, unsure of how to answer him. "Do you believe me?"

I slowly nod, still unsure, and he pulls me into his side, and I tuck myself into him, gladly accepting his warm and comfort.

"I just want to be good for you," I mumble, finally deciding what I should say. "I am sorry for being a whiny brat earlier, and I understand if you want to break up with me. I will not bother you again, and I will figure out how to get back to the school before the rest of your family arrives."

"No baby, I am not breaking up with you, nor do I want you to leave," he murmurs as he tightens his hold on me. "I will always want you to be in my life, as my boyfriend, best friend, until you tell me to 'hit bricks'."

I cannot help the soft giggle that slips from me; "I do not see me ever wanting to tell you to 'hit bricks.' Do you still love me?"

Slipping my left thumb into my mouth, sucking almost harshly as I wait for Logan to answer me, and my mind starts to feel fuzzy.

"Of course I still love you, baby boy," he assures, rubbing my side along with a kiss to my head.

"Luve you, daddy," I say around my thumb.

"How old are you, Brae?" he asks me curiously.

Giggling around my thumb; "Free, daddy. I you goo' boy?"

"Yes, baby boy, you are my good boy," he assures with a soft chuckle. "Do you wanna go back downstairs, and play with toys and Shelbie?"

"Yesh, pease!" I cheer, pulling back slightly to eagerly smile at him.

"Okay, let's go," he says, brightly smiling as we stand to leave his room, and head into the living room.

"Shelbie, can Braelin play with you and your toys?" Logan asks his little sister who is on the carpeted floor, playing with some of her toys.

"Yes!" she happily agrees with a broad smile as she bounces on her knees as she tells me to come play.

Looking at Logan, he nods encouragingly, and I let out a soft squeal as I rush over to her, and sit on my bum next to her.

"Wha' toy I p'ay wif?" I ask her with a bright smile while looking over the toys she has around her.

"Here, Brae," she says, thrusting a baby door toward me. "That is Anna, and she is three, and she is really nice."

"Fanks!" I giggle, holding the doll carefully. "Hi Anna."

Shelbie and I play for a while before people start arriving. I become nervous at the new people, and I look for Logan. I find him speaking with an older couple, and I carefully make my way over to him. Taking fistfuls of his shirt, just above his bum, and bury my face into his shoulders because I am feeling shy, and I need his comfort.

Logan wraps his right arm around my waist as he turns his upper body slightly to pull me from behind him, into his side where I happily snuggle into him. I take several deep breaths of his wood smelling body wash, and his cologne, trying to sooth my frayed nerves, and after several deep breaths, I start calming down slightly.

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