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The guys were getting ready to investigate a house.  "Is everyone-hold on where's Aaron?" Zak inquired looking around.  "Aaron isn't going to be joining you guys.  He got the flu bad, so I'm filling in" someone said walking over.  "Hannah what are you doing here.  I thought you gave this up?" Zak remarked as the guys gave her a hug.  "Come on guys I may have left Ghost Adventures, but when Aaron called this morning telling me he was sick and couldn't do the lock down I jumped at the chance to help out" she replied smiling.  "I thought Dylan didn't want you to do this anymore?"Billy inquired.  

"I left that jerk, he was trying to control my life, but I wouldn't let him, so I kicked him to the curb" she stated.  "Well, let's get this going" and they started in.  As they started Hannah felt a cold spot near the stairs.  "Guys, fill this" as they put their hands over the spot.  "Wow that's cold" Jay remarked.  Zak turned and walked over to the stairs.  "Who's there I heard footstep"he called out.  Hannah took the camera and took two pictures of Zak on the stairs.  Zak started up the stairs as Hannah followed behind him.  "I'm right behind you Zak" Hannah said.  When they got to the top Zak went into the room where a boy was killed.

As Zak was looking around the room Hannah took some pictures of Zak in the room.  She put them to the side as Zak asked for the spirit box which she gave me.  As Zak turned it on a child's voice came on saying CAREFUL.  "Why is the person who hurt you around?".  EVIL another voice replied.  "That sounded spooky Zak"Hannah remarked.  Zak turned it off then she noticed Zak was balling his fist.  Downstairs Jay looked at the pictures Hannah left and he showed it to Billy.  "Hannah careful there's something following Zak" he called out.  "Zak what are you feeling,?" Hannah asked as Zak stopped balling his fist.  "Come on Zak let's get out of here and see what the guys got".

"Don't forget your pictures"Zak said as he went near the stairs.  She got the photos and put them in her pocket as she heard Zak cry out for help.  "Zak what's wrong?" as he stood there.  "I-I-I can't move" he replied scared.  Hannah put down the camera and grabbed Zak around his stomach and dragged him to the floor.  "You all right Zak?"she asked.  Zak nodded as he got up. "Come on Zak let's get you out of here".  They went down the stairs together and outside.  Zak took off his mask and sat down.  "What just happened?"he asked Hannah.   Billy and Jay came out and asked if Zak was all right.  "Yeah, just need to sit here for a second".  "Billy let me see those photos I took" as Billy showed her.  "Wow it looks like it's right next to him, but it disappears in this one"Jay noticed.

Hannah took the pictures that she took out of her pocket.  She looked at them and had to take a double take.  "Oh my god is that a spirit next to Zak?"Jay inquired.  "It was just me and Zak nothing else.  It was so dark in that room I had to use a flash just to find Zak in there"she replied.  Zak came over and saw the pictures.  "Oh my god it looks like it was following me" Zak stated.  "Look at this one Zak.  It was taking upstairs" showing Zak.  Zak's jaw dropped when he saw the outline of a person next to him.  "Are you sure it wasn't a shadow?".  "Look at the next one it's just you nobody else and I was behind the camera taking it"Hannah replied.  "And we were downstairs using SLS in the kitchen"Billy remarked.  "Well Aaron isn't going to believe this"Zak replied.  

When they got home Zak called Aaron.  "Hey how was the investigation?".  "Not the same without you, but thanks for calling Hannah"Zak said.  "You're welcome I know you wouldn't say but I could tell you missed her"he replied blowing his nose.  "Well, I offered her old job back and she took it so she's apart of the team again".  "That's great to hear".  "Well, I'll let you get back to your suffering and next time listen to me and get a flu shot"Zak stated as he hung up.

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