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In his room Zak was getting ready for investigation when a knock came to the door. He opened the door and Ripley was standing there confused. "Zak what are you doing here the guys left thirty minutes ago"she remarked. "Not again" Zak muttered as they left. At the site Aaron was getting ready to do the interview when a car pulled up and Zak and Ripley got out. "Zak what are you doing here?".

"What do you mean I was getting ready when Ripley told me you guys left without me". Then Darren showed up and was surprised to see Zak. "Zak what are you doing here?". "I brought him here since you left him at the hotel"Ripley replied. "You told us Zak had to go back home. What's going on?"Aaron inquired. "I know I heard him talking to someone on the phone that he was trying to replace Zak because he didn't want someone who was gay to be apart of Ghost Adventures"Ripley replied.

Aaron looked ready to murder Darren. "The studio was weak to settle with Zak. You should of stayed in the closet. We have lost four investigations because they didn't want a homosexual investigating" Darren admitted. Zak walked over to Darren and hit him knocking him to the ground. "I'm going to sue your gay butt" Darren remarked untill Aaron picked up Darren and slammed him against a wall. "I want your hateful, narrowmindedness ass out of here and never return" as Aaron let him go. Darren got up and walked off. "What a jerk doing that to Zak". "Zak knew this might happen some people are stupid. Wait a minute where did Zak go?"Billy inquired as everyone looked around.

Then Ripley noticed her car was gone. When Zak got back to the hotel he went to his room and started to pack. Downstairs the guys came to see Zak leaving in a cab. Aaron went to his room and found a note on his door. "What's that?"Jay replied. "Zak quit and turned it over to me"Aaron said. At the airport Zak was having a drink when an officer came over and asked if he was Zak Bagans.

"Yes". "You have some people that need to talk to you". Zak went with an officer to a room where the guys and Ripley were waiting. "What's going on?". "We aren't taking your resignation Zak just because of a narrowminded jerk"Aaron stated. "Zak Ghost Adventure is your baby since its inception" Billy replied. "If you quit Ghost Adventures, we should just stop filming"Jay added. "It's because of me that we lost four investigation" Zak remarked.

Ripley walked over to Zak and wiped his tears. "Zak you fought tooth and nail to come out of the closet when the company didn't want you to. Don't let it be for nothing" she said. "All right"Zak stated as everyone smiled. "And I got a great place that wants Ghost Adventures to investigate it" Ripley remarked. "Let's go".

At the site Zak was doing some interview when Ripley's phone went off. "Hello hey uncle. You were right about Darren and what he was doing. Zak almost quit because of it but we got him to stay. Thank cousin Derek for helping us at the airport" and hung up as Aaron came over. "How's Nick?"he inquired. "How". "Zak told me Ripley but your secret is same between me and Zak"he replied. "My uncle isn't the only gay person in the family. I'm one too and Zak was the one who gave me the courage to tell my parents"Ripley remarked watching Zak.

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