Chapter One

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You had pictured your last year of high school a little differently. Same as the previous year, and the one before that. It was all a grey cycle for you. First day of school, in September. You blink, and it's Christmas. You blink again, and second term is over. You turn your head, and it's summer. That's how it was every year until Ajax.

All the others around you were chattering about all summer was how it's going to be their last first day at school and last first day at school school assembly and their last time fighting for the lockers but honestly? You couldn't give a bigger damn. You just come in early like you do every day and choose a top locker before anyone else could and shove your things in, slamming the metal door shut.

"Smurfette!" Elio yells, bumping shoulders with you. You don't turn to look at him.


Elio has learnt that if he wanted to see you at school, it's when the corridors are empty and everyone else is still in bed. That is, at 7am.

"It's our last first day at-"

"If you say last first anything again, I'm shoving you in my locker. Let's just get through this year in peace, shall we? No sobbing at graduation either."

When you decided to make eye contact with him, he was pouting.

"I won't cry at graduation."

"We'll see about that. You were bawling when Ms. Ketter left last year."

At this, his eyes saddened.

"I miss her! Did she have to have a baby?"

You shrug. You walk towards your classroom, and set down your bags. Elio carelessly straddled his chair backwards, facing you, who was in the seat behind him, leaning forward on your desk. His onyx eyes shone happily in the early morning sun, his long, pitch-black hair brushing against his neck.

"One day, Smurfette, you're gonna look back at all this and you're gonna miss it. Most of all, you're gonna miss this dashing face."

He pointed at himself smugly.

"The only thing I'll miss is punching it." you replied boredly, unzipping your bag and taking out your current read.

Elio barked out in laughter, and pretended to be a cameraman for National Geographic, snapping photos.

"And here we observe a wild Smurfette, in her natural habitat."

It might seem like you hated Elio... that was far from the truth. Elio was your best friend, through thick and thin, and he knew that. How he's put up with your bull for the past thirteen years you'll never know, but you enjoyed his company more than anyone else's.


An airy, sweet voice floated over to us. It was Mura. She was tan, with curly dark brown hair that bounced when she walked. She had moved from another country, and was a little older than us because she joined school late, but she was the mother of your three-man-rag-tag-kazoo-playing band.

"It's our last first-"

Elio pressed his index finger to her lips before she could speak another word, and you silently thanked him. He slowly pulled away as Mura turned her eyes kindly to you and smiled.

"Good morning, Y/N!"

Elio was sufferable, and Mura was comfortable to be around.

"Morning." you mumbled.

You still had your eyes stuck to the book, and you could feel her roll hers.

"It would be nice to be looked at while greeted."

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