11. You're Coming With Us

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Irene's POV:

"Dad what?!" I exclaimed once Callum was gone. Dad sighed. "We need a heir Irene. For both the families" he said.

"But you know our marriage isn't working out as expected!" I spoke. "Not working out?" my mother in law Sandra asked.

I looked at her and realized Callum's family was still there. I sighed. I had told dad about mine and Callum's marriage problems, but I don't think his family knew.

"No it isn't mother. We haven't been getting along that well" I told her. "Why not?" she questioned. "

I don't know, it's just....not working out" I said. "Is it something Callum did?" Paul asked.

Was it something Callum did? Yes, yes it was. He was being too greedy.

"Yes, it is" I replied. Sandra raised an eyebrow at that. "Send him with us for a week" she suggested.

"Why?" I asked. "Because we'll talk to him and tell him to treat you better so this can work out" she replied.

I looked at my dad hesitantly. "Maybe they'll actually help" dad said. I sighed. "Sure, take him" I replied.

I saw Sandra smirk but didn't pay much attention to it. I wish I had.


Callum's POV:

I heard a knock on the door but didn't care to open it. "Callum, open the door" I heard Walter's voice. Yet, I made no move. I was too shocked to do anything.

"Callum" Walter called again, but I gave him no reply. "Open this door before I break it" Sandra's voice boomed from the other side.

She seemed mad, and mad Sandra is never good for me.

I got up on shaky legs and opened the door, not looking in her eyes. Sandra pushed me inside as she and Walter made their way in.

Walter locked the door and a tingle of fear ran through me. "Heard your marriage is having problems" Walter smirked.

Fuck my life! Why did Irene have to tell them?!

"I-it's fine. We're trying to–" "Lie to me and you know what will happen" Sandra cut me off. I immediately shut up.

"Irene said its something YOU did" Sandra accused me. "No! It's not!" I looked at her and defended myself.

I held my cheek in pain the next second as Sandra slapped me hard. "Eyes down" she whisper yelled. I looked down as water formed in my eyes.

"I don't know what you did Callum, but I will teach you how to keep your wife happy" she said as she crossed her arms in front of her.

But I hadn't even done anything! Why was Irene doing this to me?

"You know very well how important your marriage is to us" Sandra spoke.

Yeah, I know how important the money they get from my marriage every year is to them.

"If you mess up, and we lose the money, I promise I'll make your life a living hell" she threatened.

I mentally laughed. She had already made my life a living hell.

"Now come on, pack your things. You're coming with us." My eyes widened at her sentence. "W-what?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes brother, your wife has given you to us for a week so we can teach you how to treat your partner" Walter evilly grinned.

No. Please no.

"Are you gonna do it yourself or do I have to do it?" Sandra questioned. I gulped. "Mother please. I promise I'll be better" I begged.

I didn't want to go back there. Yes, there was no love even here. But at least my life was painless.

Sandra rolled her eyes and looked at Walter. He walked towards me and held my arms behind me.

I knew what was coming, so I closed my eyes. I grunted in pain as Sandra kicked me in my stomach.

Walter twisted my arm to the extent where I believed it would have broken if he twisted it just a bit more.

Then he pushed me to the ground and Sandra dug her heel in my hand. "Go pack your stuff Callum. I am not asking" she threatened.

Water spilled from my eyes as my hand hurt terribly. She was wearing one of those long and thin heels that were very painful when they dug into my hand.

"Y-yes m-mother" I tried pulling my hand back. "Please!" I cried as Sandra put more force on my hand.

"God have I missed this!" she laughed as she pulled her foot back. I immediately brought my hand up to my chest to try and soothe it.

"You have 15 minutes" Walter said as both of them walked out.

I was certain that the next week of my life was going to be one of the most horrible ones I'd ever experience.

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