16. She's A Goddess and You're Her Slave

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Callum's POV:

I groaned as I opened my eyes. My head hurt like hell. Instinctively, my hand went up to my forehead.

I tried sitting up but someone pushed me down. I blinked my eyes a couple of time to get used to my surroundings.

Only then did I notice the female figure standing beside me. The figure of my wife.

The wife I'm supposed to worship. The wife whose feet should be heaven to me.

The wife, who must have complete control of everything I do so that I can work my marriage out.

"She's a goddess. And you're nothing more than a slave. Remember your place – always at her feet" my step mother's words echoed in my mind.

I immediately sat up, ignoring the pain in my head and body. I frantically searched for a clock. It showed 10:00 am.


"Irene, I'm sorry. I don't know why I slept for that long. I know I should've made breakfast for you and–"

She cut me off by placing a finger on my lips. "Just relax" she whispered. She slowly came forwards and gave my forehead a gentle kiss.

I was startled by such a move. In the 5 years we've been together, this is the most affection she's shown me.

Is this the cool before the storm? I wondered, hoping the answer was no. I mean, I did mess up.

Now that I knew Irene had a dominant side, I did not want to enrage her. She could hurt me if she was too mad.

My body trembled as she connected our foreheads, her warm minty breath on my face. She was in my personal place, too close.

My heartbeat picked up speed due to our close proximity.

"Are you okay?" she whispered, her eyes closed and our foreheads still touching. "Y-yeah" I mumbled.

Irene pulled back and sat on the edge of the bed beside me. "Can you turn over please?" she politely asked.

"Do everything she asks of you. Even if she asks you to lick her feet in public. Your job is to pleasure her, that's all you're needed for" Sandra's words filled my mind yet again.

Irene didn't need to ask me for anything, she was supposed to just give commands. And me, being the good little slave of hers, was supposed to follow.

I obediently turned around and laid on my stomach. "Thank you" she whispered in my ear, sending goosebumps down my body.

I relaxed as her strong, yet smooth hands removed all the stressful knots in my back. Fuck, this felt good!

This felt like one of the most pleasurable moments of my life. Her hands covered every inch of my back removing all the painful knots in it.

I don't remember the last time I felt like this. It was probably with Nova.

Nova. My mistress.

Oh how I miss her! The way she would cuddle me after any conversation with or about my parents.

The way her hands roamed my body when she massaged it with that beautifully scented oil of hers.

The way I used to cry in her chest as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear. Our showers, our time together.

Nothing with her was ever forceful or painful to do. She was perfect, just how I needed. My only source of comfort, of care.

"Nova" I breathed out in the heat of the moment. The hands on my back stopped. I snapped my eyes open, realizing what I just did.

Turning on my back immediately, I looked into Irene's hazel orbs with fear. I backed myself up on the bed as much as I could.

Irene didn't say a word, her gaze downwards.

"I-Irene, I'm sorry. I don't know why I-I said that. I mean I do know but like, I shouldn't have. I p-promise nothing's going on. I swear. It's just–"

"Do you want to talk to her?" Irene cut me off, her gaze meeting mine. Her eyes weren't filled with rage to kill me like I had expected.

They were rather sympathetic. Why was she being sympathetic?

"Huh?" I asked, confused. "Do you want to talk to Nova? I really don't mind" she said. "You don't?" I was shocked.

My wife was asking me if I wanted to talk to my ex – mistress. Was this a test of some sort?

Irene shook her head. "If it makes you feel better, go ahead" she smiled. Her smile felt so genuine, I couldn't dare think there were bad intentions behind that beautiful smile.

"I mean, only if you allowed" I mumbled. Irene smiled at me and gave me yet another peck on the forehead.

"Sure, just wait a second. I'll get my phone" saying that, she left my room.


Irene's POV:

It didn't come as a shock to me when Callum blurted out Nova's name while I was massaging his back.

She was probably the only one who ever provided him the love and care he desperately longs for.

But I was definitely hurt. Hurt, because my own husband said someone's else's name, when I was the one comforting him.

But what can I expect? In these 5 years, I have made no move to improve our relationship. At least Callum tried. I didn't even do that.

I had no right to be upset or mad at him. What came from him was natural.

I don't think anyone in his family loves Callum or even just cares about him. Otherwise, someone would stop this, right?

I sighed as I entered the kitchen, pushing all the thoughts away. I took some food and my phone with me.

When I returned, I found Callum trying to stand. "Hey hey, you're sick. Just relax" I rushed to him.

Callum blushed and looked down as he mumbled "bathroom." I almost giggled at how cute he looked blushing like that as a grown ass man because he wanted to use the bathroom.

God! My husband's adorable!

I helped him stand and lead the way. I decided to give him some privacy as he did his business. Soon, Callum was done and back on the bed.

"Here" I said handing him my phone as he ate. "Just type Nova in the contacts' search list and you'll find her number" I said.

He nodded and took the phone from me. "Do you want anything?" he asked me. I looked at this man with shock.

He couldn't even stand without help, yet he was asking me if I wanted anything?

I don't know what shit Sandra put in his mind, but Callum has started acting as if he is my slave or something. I sighed.

"No Callum, I don't need anything. Just eat your food and relax" I said. I decided to leave the room to give him some time of his own.

Besides, I don't think he would ever talk to Nova in my presence.

But my steps halted outside the door. For the love of god, I could not move! I just..... NEEDED to eavesdrop. And eavesdropping I did.

I closed the door and stuck my ear to it. Most of Callum's words were muffled, but his cries weren't.

He was crying so hard. My heart ached to hear him. How could they be so cruel? After about half an hour, the conversation seemed to end.

Although I couldn't hear a thing because Callum chose to be so quiet, I would definitely find out what happened.

If not from Callum, then from Nova.

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