40. Picture

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Callum's POV:

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE CAMERAS WERE OFF?!!" Harry shouted. Me and Irene looked at each other with nervousness.

It's the next day and we are at the office right now. Harry has realized that somebody stole the file from his safe.

The red file is not with us anymore. Irene left it at our doorstep last night and it wasn't there in the morning.

"If you can't find the footage in the next hour, YOU'RE FIRED!" Harry screamed at the guard and walked away.

"What are you all looking at? Get back to work!" Irene said to all the employees watching the drama. All of them scurried back to work. I stayed back.

"Ma'am, what do you want me to do?" the guard asked. Irene looked at me as if I knew the answer. I just shrugged my shoulders.

She groaned in annoyance. "Just wait. I'll get back to you soon" she said and walked out. I quickly followed her until we were in her cabin.

"What do we do now?" I asked as I locked the door. "I don't know" she said as she sat on her table, her head in her hands.

"We need to think of something fast" I said. "I KNOW! But what can I fucking do!" she almost screamed.

"Maybe you should've been more careful" I muttered under my breath. Or so I thought. Coz apparently, Irene heard it.

"What did you say?" she looked at me with eyes that pierced through my soul. I immediately shook my head and said, "Nothing!"

Irene's glare hardened and she walked towards me with a sadistic glint in her eyes. I backed up until I hit the door.

She put her hands on the sides of my head, caging me between her and the door.

Now these are the times I would've appreciated a few more inches in my height.

"Repeat. what you said Callum" she said through gritted teeth. I gulped and my body trembled. She looked so scary right now. Ready to kill.

"I-I was just saying y-you could've g-gotten the real footage r-replaced with a f-fake one to avoid s-suspicion" I managed to stutter out.

Irene wrapped her hand around my neck, blocking my airway. "If you think it's so easy, why didn't you do it yourself?" she questioned darkly.

I immediately wrapped my hands around her hand which was on my neck. I tried pulling her hand away, but her grip was too tight.

"I-Irene, I can't br-bre-breath" my voice was barely audible.

Something flashed in her eyes before she abruptly pulled away. I coughed hard, trying to get as much air as possible.

I think Irene's got anger issues. She gets triggered so fast.

"Sorry" she muttered. I looked at her to see her eyes watering. "Hey hey hey! Relax. I'm fine okay. I'm fine" I said and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Callum. I was stressed and I took it out on you. I almost killed you! I'm such a terrible person" she cried in my neck.

I kissed the top of her head. "The fact that you realized it and stopped in time is more than enough for me" I said.

Irene cried in my arms for a while and I comforted her. This was so awkward for me cause it's usually the other way around.

I'm the emotional baby in this relationship.

"You feeling better now?" I asked once she pulled away. She nodded and I gave her my handkerchief for her tears.

Just then, the flip phone in my pocket rang. I quickly picked it up. "Did you get the file?" I asked urgently.

"Yes we did. And we can also help you with the camera problem" the gruff voice said. Me and Irene looked at each other and she nodded.

"How?" I asked. "We've sent you a USB in a parcel that will reach there in about....10 minutes. Use the footage in the USB to your advantage" the person said.

"Okay, thank you for that. What about my....mom?" I asked. "You'll get it soon" and the call was cut with that.

As promised, the parcel reached here within 10 minutes. We quickly inserted the footage in our system and it was sent to Harry.

Although he did create a fuss about nothing useful being in the footage, there was nothing more he could do.

During lunch hour, as me and Irene were having lunch together, Harry busted into her cabin.

"You okay dad?" Irene asked. "I'm not. I need some rest. I'm going home okay? Take care of the company" he said.

Harry gave me a skeptical look but I just replied back with a soft smile. "I hope you feel better" I said. He sighed and nodded at me before walking away.

"That made my heart come out of my chest" Irene said and I nodded in agreement.

We heard the flip phone ding – meaning a message has been sent. I quickly opened it and gasped when I saw the image that had been sent.

A woman in her early 50s with brown hair exactly like mine; her nose an exact replica of mine, was staring at the camera with a cat in her hand. She was smiling widely towards the camera.

"Mom" the word left my mouth before I could even comprehend it. "She does look a lot like you" Irene commented.

My eyes watered up as I stared at the picture of my mother.

Oh mother! Why did you leave me? Where are you? Do you not love me? Was I not important to you?

Irene walked over to me and hugged me. I buried my face in her stomach and lightly cried.

There she is. My mother. My birth giver. The one who was supposed to love and cherish me. She is alive. She is happy.

And here I am, living my miserable life because she decided to show the world that she was dead.

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