15. Abused

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Irene's POV:

"I don't know dad. He's been acting so weird ever since he came back yesterday" I was on a phone call with my father.

"Weird how?"

"He's just....so obedient. Like, he didn't even enter the house until I allowed him."

"But that's good, isn't it?"

"Yeah but, its like he's become a robot. Last night, I sarcastically said he should sleep in the backyard and he actually did! It's freezing out there at night."

"Irene, be clear. Isn't that what you always wanted from him? Submission?"

I sighed. Dad was taking this completely wrong. By wanting Callum to listen to me, I meant in a way that improves our relationship.

But now, I just felt like I was living with a robot. A robot, who didn't even fucking eat until I told him to.

Yes, Callum didn't even eat a single bite since he woke up. He wakes up 2 hours before me!

That man literally waited for me to wake up and "allow" him to eat. Thank goodness he drank water otherwise I don't know how I would react.

"Anyway, how's the presentation for the meeting next week going?"

I sighed yet again. My father was very keen about work. In fact, too keen about it.

There was a rule in the house – 'No work on Saturdays and Sundays'. Except from these 2 days, dad was always working.

In fact, he was so involved in work, that mom left him for the exact same reason.

I was 7 at the time. Apparently, mom didn't have the money to raise me on her own.

I wasn't even given the choice to choose who to stay with. The judge just labelled my mom 'unfit' of taking care of me and handed me over to my dad.

The last thing I remember of my mother, were her tumbling tears as they continuously fell from her eyes when dad pulled me out of the courtroom.

I remember crying to just run up to my mom and hug her, but it never came.

Don't get me wrong, my father loves me. But I don't just need him on Saturdays and Sundays.

He might show his love to me on both these days, but he's never there when I need him.

Never in my life did dad come to any of my school events which weren't on a Saturday or Sunday.

I remember when I was 4 and it was father's day in pre – school. All of the dads came, yet mine, was in a meeting.

The same year on mother's day, my mom let go of an opportunity of getting a promotion just so she could come with me to my school.

I mean, you can see the difference.

"Irene?" dad called out. "It's going good. I'll be done in a day or two" I replied. "Great, see you at the office then" and he cut the call with that.

Oh mom! How I miss you.

"Umm, Irene?" I turned around to find Callum behind me. "What do you want for lunch at the office?" he asked.

Callum was shivering. He was wearing one of those fluffy winter coats which you wear when it's snowing. Yet, he sweated like a pig.

From head to toe, Callum was covered in winter clothing but still shivering. However, the sweat on his forehead was too prominent to go unnoticed.

"Callum, are you okay?" I asked. He nodded. "Just tell me what- what you want to eat" he said.

Callum's body swayed as he caught the wall to balance himself. "You're not okay" I stated as I stepped towards him.

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