63. Getting the Upper Hand

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Callum's POV:

I know Irene is probably very confused right now. But I have a plan. The only problem is, I don't know how successful it will be.

It could just completely not work and then we'd be stuck with no other option than for me to sign. But I guess I should think positive.

I took a deep breath to gather all the courage I had remaining, looked at Harry and said, "So you're fucking both?"

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, except for Harry and Irene. "What the fuck are you saying?!" dad asked, angrily.

"I'm just saying what I saw. I've....unfortunately.....seen Harry fuck my sister as well Myra. So are you guys in an open relationship?"

I shifted my gaze to the two girls behind me who looked just as surprised as I had expected. That was when I knew my plan worked.

"What is he saying Harry? I thought you said you would marry me?!" Alyssa said in shock.

Eww! She was going to marry him?

"Wait what? I thought you were marrying me?!" Myra screamed. Well, this is fun.

I looked at Irene who was trying to control her snickering. She looked back at me and we both smirked at each other.

"I can explain–" "What can you EXPLAIN?! You were fucking another girl while being with my daughter?" dad shouted. So he knew.

And that's how the drama started. My entire family was on one side, while Harry chose to take Myra's side.

Although Myra looked like she wanted to strangle Harry.

Eventually, Walter lost his temper and attacked Harry for cheating on Alyssa. Sandra, Alyssa and Myra watched while dad joined Walter.

I didn't know this, but Harry was a real good fighter. He was taking on both of them all alone pretty well.

But then, something silver fell from Harry's waistband that caught my eye. Everyone was so busy in the fight, they didn't even notice.

I looked at Irene who had also seen the gun on the floor. "Take it" she mouthed to me. I looked back at the gun and gulped.

I've never even seen a gun in real life, and now I have to put it in use?

My hands started shaking in fear as I slowly crawled to the weapon. As I reached it, I quickly picked it up and returned back to my place.

I looked at Irene again and she gave me a determined nod. She really believes in me huh?

I scanned her body once again. She was bruised, so bruised. But she hadn't lost. There was hope in her eyes. Hope, that I would succeed.

I took a deep breath and looked at the six people in front of us. It's now or never. I either use this gun, or we all die here.

I looked at my mother and Gianna who had also noticed the weapon in my hand now.

They both also looked like they had the hope of leaving this place. I looked in mom's eyes and realized I can't lose her again. She's my only family.

"STOP!" I shouted after standing up. I pointed the gun at dad and everyone's eyes widened.

"Callum, put that down. It's not a fake toy!" Sandra said, worried that I'd shoot her husband.

"Untie Irene, Gianna and mom. NOW!" I demanded. I was really shooting in the dark.

The others could have guns on them right now. And they'd know much better how to use them.

"I said untie them!" I screamed at no one in particular. But for some reason, Walter found this funny.

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