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“So, what’s up with you and Kurt?” Mike asked Ollie as the two walked to homeroom 

“What do you mean?” Ollie asked his best friend who stopped walking and looked at him with a deadpan 

“Are you being serious right now?” Mike asked him, thinking back to all the things Santana had told him,”Santana told me you two were getting familiar.” He revealed as he began walking again

“Familiar?” Ollie said in a questioning tone,”We’re just friends,Mike. I basically just met him like a month ago” He told him rolling his eyes

“And you already have nicknames for each other.” Mike said, gaining wide eyes from his best friend,”Yeah, Santana told me that too and Puck said he sees you two holding hands all the time, which can only mean you guys are getting” Mike paused with a teasing grin,”Familiar” He spoke in a singing tone as he patted Ollie’s head,”It’s ok dude”

“Oh my God,” Ollie chuckled, slapping his hand away,”What does that even mean? Me and Kurt are just friends and he came up with the nicknames, I just went along with them. I thought they were cute” He shrugged, not seeing the big deal 

“Oh like you think he’s cute?” Mike asked still teasing as they finally got to the room,”Come on, I don’t judge” he told him laughing

“Of Course I think he’s cute,” Ollie shrugged again taking his seat,”I don’t befriend ugly people, Mikey” he told him giving him a grin of his own,”You’re the only exception” he teased laughing at Mike who pushed him with a laugh of his own 

“Moon” Kurt called out in distress, quickly finding his way to the two,”I need your help”

“What’s wrong?” Ollie questioned with worry obvious in his features,”Are you hurt?”

“No I’m not hurt,” Kurt shook his head,”I need your help to get me on the football team.” he said honestly, his eyes full of distress but his words were met with a blank face from Ollie and Mike Chang who was close to passing out from laughter,

”What?” He asked not understanding why he got that type of reaction 

“Oh, this is hilarious” Mike laughed while wiping a tear from his eyes,”Ollie can’t help you with that, he knows nothing about sports” 

“It's true,” Ollie sighed,”I think the most I can do is maybe get you Pucks help” his words were met with a sound of offense from Mike who nudged him 

“I’m right here you know,” Mike said earning a chuckle from Ollie

“Are we really gonna have this conversation?” Ollie asked him with a teasing grin

“Yeah, ok” Mike sighed leaning his chin in his hands

“Well I uh,” Kurt hesitated a little put off by the two males' closeness, shaking his head he cleared his throat,”I don’t need help playing, I just need to get on the team. I can be the kicker” he spoke with a desperate tone grabbing Ollie’s hands,”Please help me, moon” he pleaded 

“Sunshine,” Ollie sighed, squeezing his hands softly “They’ve already played like what five games, tryouts are out of the question” he spoke looking at Mike for help

Catching the hint Mike quickly took over,”Yeah, man I don’t think it’s possible” 

“There’s gotta be something” Kurt pushed more, desperate for a solution 

The two best friends shared a look, Ollie sighed thinking tapping his finger on his cheek, a quirk Kurt had noticed early on since their friendship began and loved to see,”I think I might know the solution” He spoke looking back at Kurt with a smile,”Finn’s team captain, so he’ll more than likely be able to help you and if that doesn’t work I can get Puck to work something out ” 

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