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Ollie Berry and David Karofsky, no one would think of the two in the same sense. No one had them on the same level and no one knew of their history together.

That's right, Dave and Ollie had history, but not the kind you may be thinking.

The two had been fairly close in the latter years. While not best friends, the two were getting there slowly and would've done anything for each other.

. . . But that was before Dave found out he was gay.  The second Dave realized he liked boys everything changed. The boy became a bully, he harassed others, and practically spread homophobia everywhere he went. He was ashamed of his newfound sexuality and that resulted in him ruining others' lives.

He from then on made a reputation for himself, fear struck in people once his name was said and no one had the guts to talk to him . . .   No except for Ollie.

The two being friends, made Ollie think that maybe if he talked to his friend about his struggles then he would go back to his original self. Stop causing torment to others because of their differences, but he was wrong.

The second he tried to talk to Dave about his new ways, the boy turned on him. Called him names and shouted homophobic slurs at him. He turned what was once a beautiful friendship into a scary traumatic estrangement.

From that day forth he made Ollie's life a living hell. He would randomly bring himself into Ollie's life and harass him, touch him, control him with fear. Dave would never admit it but he had a big crush on the boy and used these moments to do what he never would be able to if he was honest. He knew Ollie would never want him, so he took matters into his own hands.   . . And made sure Ollie never said one word about it.

Threats go a long way, and knowing Dave it was always more of a promise.


Everyone was staring at Tina when the next glee club meeting came around,genuinely disturbed to see the gothic asian stuck in sweat pants and a hoodie due to Principal Figgins thinking she was some sort of vampire..

"It's so weird." Artie commented, poking his girlfriend's cheek.

"This so isn't you." Finn mumbled, looking over the girl with wide eyes.

"I feel like an Asian Branch Davidian." Tina mumbled, sighing in disappointment.

"Tina, are there any other looks you can try?" Mr. Schuester asked, looking around as the group all tried to think of suggestions.

"Biker chick?" Santana offered,

"Cowgirl?" Finn tried.

"Hoot rat!" Mercedes jumped in.

"Computer programmer?" Quinn suggested

"I could just make you some clothes that you're comfortable with," Ollie offered

"Catholic school girl?" Puck shrugged

"Happy meal, no onions." Brittany said, as the group looked at her in confusion."Or a chicken.!"

"Look, I appreciate it, guys, but it's just not me." Tina sighed. "I know who I am,and I'm not allowed to show it. It's like Communism."

"Guys, we have a serious problem," Rachel then said, storming into the choir room, "You know how I've been doing some deep background on Vocal Adrenaline?"

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