Dream On

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Kurt and Ollie were working in his studio, them having been in there for hours listening to music, talking, and spending precious time together. It was moments like these where they felt as if they were the only two on the planet. Nothing could touch them, break them apart, they were at peace.

“Life could be a dream, Life could be a dream,” Ollie suddenly sang along with the song play through the speakers, earning a soft smile from his boyfriend

“Doo-roo-do-do, shaboom,” Kurt sang back, catching Ollie’s attention who looked at him with wide eyes and a smile.”Life could be a dream,”

“Sh-boom, if I could take you to a paradise up above,” Ollie sang, continuing to sew as Kurt walked to him, feeling his presence he looked over his shoulder,”If you will tell me I'm the only one that you love,”

“Life could be a dream, sweetheart,” Kurt sang, grabbing Ollie by the waist and swaying them both to the music,”hello, hello again. Sh-boom and hopin' we'll meet again, boom,” he sang, leaning down and laying his head on Ollie’s shoulder

“Life could be a dream,” Ollie sang softly, leaning back into his boyfriend's arms,”If only all my precious plans would come true,”

“If you would let me spend my whole life loving you,” Kurt sang, spinning Ollie around,”Life could be a dream, sweetheart do-roo-do-do, sh-boom,”

“Whoa, life could be a dream,” The two harmonized, holding each other as they swayed, looking into each others eyes lovingly,”Sh-boom, if I could take you up to paradise up above. Sh-boom, and tell me, darling, I'm the only one that you love,”

“Life could be a dream, sweetheart, hello, hello again,” Kurt sang, and held Ollie’s face in his hands

“Sh-boom and hopin' we'll meet again, boom,” Ollie sang, leaning into Kurt’s touch,”Oh, life could be a dream,”

“Life could be a dream,” They sang together once more,”Do-roo-do-do, sh-boom,”

“I love you,” Kurt whispered, leaning his forehead against Ollie’s

“I love you,” Ollie whispered back, the two kissing passionately


"Okay, guys, listen up," Mr. Schue earned the attention of the glee club, stopping all of their murmuring, gesturing to a man none of them knew  "This is Mr. Ryan. He's a member of the school board, and he would like to say a few words. I-l just want you guys to listen critically and know that what he's saying is just one of many opinions." He stuttered out, causing Kurt and Ollie to look at each other confused

"Take out a piece of paper. And on that paper, I want you to write down your biggest dream. A dream that means so much, you're afraid to admit it even to yourself!" Brian, instructed everyone, the club all taking out paper and writing their dreams.

Mr. Ryan suddenly snatched Artie's piece of paper from the boy's hand, crumpling it up. "Your dream is never going to happen," Ryan said, throwing Artie's dream into the trash and turning to the club, "Ninety one percent of you will spend your entire lives living in Allen County, Ohio. So unless you wrote down that your dream was to 'work for a mid-market health insurance provider' or 'find an entry level job in an elderly care facility, you're going to be very disappointed."

"This is really depressing." Mercedes frowned

“And ridiculously uncalled for,” Ollie mumbled, crossing his arms with an unamused look

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