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A/N: Important message at the end

Please don't be a silent reader 

Things at McKinley High hadn't been that great lately for many. The peace between the popular kids and the glee kids was now over, which meant the slushies were coming as well. They were worse than ever before too. There wouldn't be a day in which at least two or three of them got a slushie facial.

The slushies weren't the worst part though, Ollie was still not ok. He was worse than before and that resulted in deep depression. The prince tried to smile, which came out as a grimace or tiny smile with teary eyes. He'd drink any and all types of coffee until Mike or Santana forced him to stop, leaving him with a headache but he never had the energy or will power to stop them. He buried himself in designs and helped others to distract himself from his pain. This prince spent his nights awake laying on his tears flooding his pillow.

Ollie was truly at a loss, but he wasn't the only one.

"Ollie," Rachel said quietly as she walked into her brother's room, the designer male laying in his bed face wet with tears, "Are you feeling up to school today?" She asked him knowing he had been on and off about the topic, the boy having chosen to not go two days out of the previous week

"Not really," Ollie whispered, his voice cracking from the lack of use, sniffing he tried to smile as Rachel wiped a tear from his eye

"That's ok," Rachel told him softly, giving him a comforting smile,"The club misses you, and I know some people who really want to speak with you,"

Ollie sighed at her words, rolling out of the bed,"I bet I could guess who," He said to her softly, going to his bathroom

"Ollie maybe come to school today and hear at least one of them out-" Rachel began to advise, flinching when her brother turned back to her sharply, pointing his toothbrush at her

"Rach, querida," Ollie spoke gently, contrasting greatly with his hardened eyes,"If they really wanted to talk to me they would've, just like you and just like Santana and Mike and Mercedes and Brittany and Quinn have been doing for the past four weeks. And frankly, if all they're gonna do is give me an apology and expect me to forgive them like that" he snapped his fingers, shaking his head,"Well, I would rather them not talk to me," He finished, turning back to his mirror

Walking to the door of his bathroom, Rachel leaned against the frame arms crossed as she observed her brother who started his daily routine,"Maybe they're scared," she revealed, remembering her conversation with Kurt who confessed to being scared of how Ollie would react to his truth

"Of what?" Ollie questioned her as he washed his face

"Your reaction," Rachel told him honestly,"You can be pretty unpredictable when you're like this," She sighed, earning a blank look from Ollie

"It's not like I'm gonna punch them or anything," Ollie told her with an eye roll,"Just because I'm sad, disappointed, and slightly angered doesn't mean I'm not still the same Ollie who's whole being is filled with peace and peaceful conclusion," he told her softly with a tiny smile

"That's also true," Rachel muttered, slightly put off by her brother's inability to shine his comforting smile

"Yes, now," Ollie replied to her, walking towards her and guiding her out of his room,"I must get ready for school, ladybug" he said to her and shut the door, sighing and leaning on the wood for a moment he closed his eyes,"I have a bad feeling about today,"


Ollie sat in his designated chair in the choir room, finishing the shirts he was making for Finn and Quinn. Many members talking of the events of the morning, which consisted of Quinn and Finn being slushied.

The Prince in the Dress ¥ Klaine Where stories live. Discover now