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The summer of 2010 had been pretty chill for Ollie. One could even say that after such a drama filled school year, it was the perfect way to relax.

He spent countless days with his boyfriend. The pale boy would surprise him with gifts, unscheduled dates, and even help him at his boutique. Kurt was truly the light of his life and he couldn’t be happier.

Throughout the summer, business at the boutique was also successful. Ollie saw hundreds of people by the day and with that came hundreds of orders to fill. He soon realized that he couldn’t manage the place alone like he had for all these years, so he requested help.

Ironically, at the time when he realized that he needed help a woman,Valentina, visited his shop asking if he was hiring. She was so eager to help that he honestly couldn’t say no. Now she was his receptionist/assistant. She helped schedule appointments with clients, helped him with materials, made sure he ate when he was wrapped up in work, and even helped him sew when he needed it.

She was a great addition and got along with his friends who stopped by just about everyday of the summer. Valentina was sweet and had this mothering aura about her. Even though she had only been around in his life for two and half months, Ollie felt as though she was always there.


A small smile itched itself upon Ollie’s face as he got out of the car, his eyes immediately finding his best friend

“Mikey,” Ollie greeted excitedly, hugging the asian tightly

“Hey, Ol’s,” Mike greeted, a big smile on his face as they let go of each other,”I missed you,” he told him

“I missed you too,” Ollie replied with a chuckle, the two walking into the school,”I heard about you and Tina,” he said, nudging his friend

Laughing, Mike rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly,”Yeah, my summer was very eventful,” he said, earning a raised brow

“I hope you two used protection,” Ollie stated, pointing at his best friend,”We do not need another teen pregnancy, Micheal,” he said, seriously

“I-That’s not-,” Mike stuttered, earning a laugh from Ollie,”You’re joking,” he sighed in realization

“Kinda,” Ollie dragged out, tilting his head and laughing even more when he was pushed by Mike,”I’ll see you later Mikey,” he told him, noticing Kurt down the hall and walking up to him

“Moon,” Kurt greeted softly, smiling brightly at his boyfriend and hugging him

“Mi sol,” Ollie murmured, happiness filling him by the second

Pulling away from the hug, Kurt reached his hand out for Ollie to take,”Shall we?” he questioned

“We shall,” Ollie responded, taking his hand and they both started to walk down the hall

Before they could get far, JBI and a camera man interrupted their walk, shoving a microphone into Ollie’s face to which was gently pushed away

“My watchers want to know if the rumors are true,” JBI said, causing both boys to share a look of confusion

“What rumors JBI?” Kurt asked annoyed, rolling his eyes

“That you two are dating,” JBI clarified, a panicky expression then taking over his face as the camera zoomed in on the two boys hands ,”Please tell me it’s not true. I can’t lose any more viewers because of monstrosity,” he added quickly, hoping it wasn’t true as many people had already unsubscribed because of the possibility

The Prince in the Dress ¥ Klaine Where stories live. Discover now