E v e r g r e e n.

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They've been traveling since dawn. The eagerness to follow a lead received on the Otusustki burns through Sasuke, but they must preserve all the chakra they have in the event of a hidden attack. Sasuke shouts to Sakura, "We'll stop for a few minutes at the cliff up ahead. We won't have a moment to rest again until dusk."

"Right!" Sakura shouts back.

They reach the edge of the cliff and take in the stunning view as they catch their breaths. It's about noon, the suns rays beat down on them and the evergreen forest of the Land of Fire. It's a clear sky and no sign of rain. Sasuke sits down as Sakura grabs the bowls of rice she packed for them from her travel bag.
She sits down beside him and hands him a bowl of rice. He thanks her.

They finish and Sakura puts everything away in her travel bag. They sit for a few minutes taking in the silence and calamity of the natural world around them. Just as the wind picks up and carries a swirl of leaves around them, Sakura works up the courage to break the serene silence.

"It's my birthday today," she says.

"Is that so?" Sasuke nonchalantly answers.

"Yeah." She looks at him but he is still looking off into the distance.

He finally turns to face her, "Happy Birthday Sakura." He says it with all he has yet he can't help the smooth and stern tone of  his voice. Nonetheless, it means everything to Sakura.

"Thanks," she smiles and blushes. He fixes his gaze back to watching the view. "I'm sorry I didn't know," he adds.

"That's okay," she half smiles. "Honestly, I don't think I've ever told you when it was."

"No. I'm sure you have. It just wasn't any concern of mine at the time."

She takes a hard swallow. She knows it's the truth. She embarrassingly smiles, "You're probably right. Gosh it was so long ago. So many memories, it's hard to remember them all."

Sasuke stays quiet. He remembers every memory, especially those involving Naruto and Sakura.

"I'm glad though." She adds.

"Hm?" Sasuke is confused.

"I'm glad I'm here with you, on my birthday. There is no where else I'd rather be."

He doesn't know how to react so he remains staring ahead blinking away his guilt of silence. He doesn't understands what Sakura sees in him. All he's ever done before is hurt her or disappoint her. Every road to him leads to destruction. He knows Sakura is not the young, naive, and weak girl she used to be. She is in fact, the strongest woman he's ever come to know. It's one of the reasons he told her she could join him on his mission. Still, he doesn't know how a woman who is as pure and smart as her, could ever love a guy like him.

Sasuke clears his throat, "We should start moving again. As I said before, our next resting point isn't for awhile."

Sakura slumps her shoulders, "Right." She knows Sasuke isn't good with reciprocation, but nevertheless she never grows tired of trying. Her face grows long. She quickly regains focus though, the mission comes first.

NARUTO: Sasuke and Sakura a Restoration Where stories live. Discover now