H o m e - PART IV

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He couldn't use his hand to prevent her from squirming, for he needed it to balance himself, so instead he would pull away his lips, just enough to where she'd notice and plead for his return. It became the silent reminder for her that she was doing it again, moving around too much. It was annoying yet riveting to him.

Every now and then he gets a peek at her body and how perfect her curves are. The way her ribcage protrudes, her stomach dips, and her nipples are hard and raw, the sight along with her dripping in front of him electrifies his cock. Again, he wishes he could touch himself while watching her. At this point, he's completely erect and throbbing uncontrollably. He takes it out on her. He gets the idea to dip his tongue into her small opening. In and out, her hands pull at his hair as she cries out. He licks her sloppy yet confined to her entirety in one single stroke, then sucks on her whole. Her lower spine arches completely, the back of her head presses hard into the cushion, and her heels raise off the couch. She's squeezing his head again with her thighs, but he ignores it. He stays strong as he sucks harder and harder, switching between that and swiping his tongue along her grooves vigorously. He knows she's close. The sound of her juices and lips flapping cause a noice deep in his chest to release. He's enjoying this and he doesn't care if he shouldn't. It's his first time, but it might be his new favorite thing, the trick up his sleeve with her.

"Sasuke," she whines. Her eyes are squeezed shut. "I can't, I'm gonna—"

"Not yet," he purrs, his lips are soft against her.

"But, Sasuke—"

His tongue quickly flickers against her clit and a tingling sensation burst in her abdomen. Her eyes are closed but she can still feel her vision blur, the world shattering around her, and her hearing going quiet. She's in another world, full of vibrant explosive colors . It feels as if she's come outside herself. As her spine prickles and her legs shake, she slowly floats back to reality.

"I told you not to finish," he says coldly. Though, there's a hint of sarcasm hiding in his tone.

"I know, but—" she's exhausted, out of breath. Her mind is all over the place and she struggles to collect her thoughts. Her hands cover her face. He just stares up at her for a moment, fully proud. The corner of his mouth raises. He doesn't want to stop here. He feels there's so much more he can do, but maybe this is all she can handle for now, until next time. If there is a next time. He quickly throws the thought away, he doesn't want to entertain it. He has to make it back to her, and their child.

"For the record, you are perfect down there," he tells her in hopes of calming her.

"You think so?" She says softly, and still a little out of breath. Her hands come off her face and rest at her sides. She looks down at him.

"I do." He uses this opportunity of distraction to dip his nose into her folds, then plants a small kiss on her contracting bud.

She takes in a sharp breath, "Sasuke, please. I'm sensitive now," she whimpers as her head falls back again. Her fingers lovingly entangle his tresses.

"I don't care," he murmurs against her. He catches the liquid that seeps out of her with his tongue. It tastes like nothing, even better. He sucks on her opening and she screams. Sasuke wonders if any neighbors can hear, maybe he should stop. But he can't, this feels too good. Having so much control over her body. Soon he will enter her. And really, he can't judge how quickly she came because he knows the minute he plunges himself deep inside her, he'll probably explode. His cock is swollen beyond extent. It's part of the reason he's holding off.

He pulls away his face and kisses both of her inner thighs to give her a break from his tongue and she gasps. He travels his lips up her knees, her calves, and then to her petite feet. She smiles and it entices him. He dips his head low again between her legs. Teasingly, he passes her clit and heads straight for her pelvis, gently kissing the area. She grabs his slender face and hoist him up to hers. She needs his mouth on hers. Her lips clash with his and he groans into her mouth. He takes her bottom lip in between his teeth and she smiles when she tastes herself on him, it catches him off guard that she doesn't care. This is a nice substitute of his previous plan.

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