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They are back in the cave they originally were in the day before. It's night fall and the land is calm again.

Sakura holds her composure as she assesses Sasuke's wounds. He looks the other way as she heals the deep lesion on his bicep and then his depleted chakra. "There. You should start to feel your strength again in a few hours, you should get some rest before we have to make our way back. It's imperative we get what happened today back to Kakashi Sensei as soon as possible." She starts to put her medical tools away.

"I'm not going back to Konoha," Sasuke states.

"What!" Sakura whips her head around and stops putting everything away. Her bottom lip pushes out

"There's too much unfinished business. I have to follow through on this lead to the Otsusuki. Today was a close call and much too dangerous."

"I'm perfectly capable of handling myself," Sakura snaps.

"I know you are. You are far from weak. It's why I brought you along. But had it not been for my Rinnegan today Sakura, we would have been done for. I need time to recalculate and investigate, on my own. Without you. This is an enemy far beyond what we've ever faced, even Kaguya. When I get all of the intel we truly need, then I will return."

Sakura sighs, "When are you ever going to accept people wanting to help you? Especially me."

"This isn't up for discussion. You're going to go back to Konoha and tell the Hokage what happened as well as the intel we've gathered so far. Naruto and the others will understand why I chose to stay behind."

"And what I don't?" Sakura's eyes moisten. She hates that this man makes her so emotional. "I know why you never come home. I'm well aware. I just... I hate when you push me away, when I'm just trying to help."

"You are needed back there Sakura. You are the best, if not one of the best, medical ninjas in the village. You know why it has to be this way."

"I know, it's just... it's been so long since I last saw you and now, who knows how long we will go without seeing one another again," she chokes up. "Gosh, I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so worked up about this right now? You've said goodbye so many times, and some were so cruel. I should be used to this by now. I'm pathetic," she laughs while wiping her tears.

"You'll be fine," he tries to get up but grunts in pain. He is still extremely soar from battle.

"Please. Just rest," Sakura sniffles and gently pushes his shoulders back to the ground. Sasuke grabs her hand softly as he's laying down and it shocks Sakura. He might act nonchalant about leaving her, but he doesn't want her to be upset. He feels his eye lids grow heavy as he watches Sakura happily hold his hand and her green eyes beautifully gaze down at him.


Sasuke wakes up and it is still the middle of the night. It's usually racing thoughts or dreams of his dead brother that keep him up but this time he doesn't know why. He lays there on his back for a second before turning over to find Sakura lying down right next to him, facing him, and peacefully asleep.

She's just as gorgeous asleep as she is awake. He scans the details of her face again. Her long pink eyelashes, slender nose, and full lips. Her chest rises and falls so peacefully. He thinks Sakura is always so worked up over him, it's nice to see her in this kind of state. Watching her almost puts him back to sleep until her eyes slowly flutter open. She looks at him surprised.

"Why are you awake?" he mimics his comment from the day before.

"I could ask you the same thing," she quietly fires back but her voice is still groggy. Sasuke smirks.

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